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( at jaysen's house)

jaysen: *cleaning his guns*

kaito: hey guys we need to go out and get some groceries

nuimata: ah well while were out im going to go to a library

jaysen: alright let me put my guns back together and then we'll head out

*10 mins later*

jaysen: alright lets head out

*at the vale shopping district*

kaito: alright im going to go do some vigilantism so ill meet up with you later

nuimata: im going to go to the library now and meet up later

jaysen: alright then ill grab the groceries

* with kaito he's been taking criminals down in the shadows with his bow and arrows retrieving the stolen items and putting them back were they belong and taking cash from some other not so good people and giving the cash to the less fortunate all while keeping him self hidden*

*with nevard he just stole a steak and 2 apples from a stand before running from the stand owner that spotted him before turning into an ally way hoping to escape only to find out it was a dead end and got cornered by the owner*

owner: you stupid no good animal stealing from me ill show you why you animals are just pathetic freaks

nevard: wait please i just need enough food to survive nothing more i just grabbed a steak and 2 apples

racist owner: shut it you damned junkrat

*the owner then started beating on nevard who curled up to try and protect his body as much as possible crying out for help from anyone that would listen to his plea*

*With jaysen he was walking away from the store with the groceries he got before hearing a cry*

nevard: please someone help

jaysen: what *looks to where the noise came from seeing a man big man beating on some thing*

kaito: hey jay hmm what are you looking at

nuimata: hey guys im back what's a matter

jaysen: i heard someone ask for help and there's a guy beating on some...oh shit

*Jaysen then runs over to the man now seeing the small Faunus in front of him grabbing the guys arm that was about to hit the Faunus in the head twisting it before saying this*

jaysen: alright you piece of shit how about you leave and i won't break your arm

racist: really you're siding yourself with this freak of a thief

kaito: not just him

nuimata: im more of a pacifist but i won't hesitate to fight a racist like you

racist: the hell are you

nuimata: that is none of your concern

nevard: *bringing himself up* ugh thanks for the

*the racist seeing the junkrat get up breaks free of jaysens hold and punches junkrat in the nose breaking junkrat's aura which causes an explosion sending the racist flying into another ally knocked out*

nevard: help

jaysen: no problem but 1st why didn't you fight back and 2nd what was that

nevard: wll when your a known thief it makes itt hard to defend yourself since you know id be refusing to give back what i stole and make me get more in trouble with the law and plus my Prothetics arn't really up to code i had to make these out of what ever i could get my hands on and as for what happened there with the explosion it was my semblance when my aura breaks it activates passively or i can activate when my aura is still full making the explosion more dangerous but i lose my aura for an undetermined amount of time

nuimata: what does that mean uh

nevard: oh right the names nevard as for last name i don't remember but what it means is that after my aura breaks and my semblance activates or i do it on command my aura immediately starts regenerating and when it's full im able to have it back on

kaito: how do you not remember your name

nevard: uh if it's not to much trouble can we discuss this somewhere safer so im not at risk of the cops

jaysen: or that racist guy

nevard: oh i wouldn't worry any one hit with my semblance usually forgets what happened by varying amounts of time

kaito: how usual

nevard: 90% of the time

jaysen: well yeah we can discuss this at our home

nevard: thanks you have no idea how tired i am with having to hide in garbage

nuimata: oh so thats why your called the junkrat

*back at the house after putting the groceries away*

nevard: so you want to know my story well when i was well a child

kaito: no idea how old you are huh

nevard: yeah but any who all i remember is waking up under rubble and hearing the screaming of a name nevard which made me remember thats my name but before long i heard nothing more except the crackles of fire when i pulled myself from the rubble i saw a town that i must of lived in on fire with grimm ravaging it i got up and started running not knowing where to go to get out and when i finally made it to the exit a nevermore  attacked me and ripped off my arm and leg before grabbing me and flying but with my small frame i managed to escape its talons i crawled as far as i could before finding an old run down shed that i went into i used its tools to cauterize my wounds to stop the bleeding god did that hurt i then crafted my prosthetics and well made it to vale and just stayed in the alleys god that was the worst time but at a point i did meet someone that took me in and became my adoptive dad basically before he sadly had to leave and didn't want me in danger so i then did what i had to to survive 

nuimata: do you know if there's a way to get some if not all your childhood memories

nevard: i think if i was to find some one who knew me like the ones calling out for me it might unlock my memories but i don't know

jaysen: well hey were here to help and hey we got some extra room and you got nowhere to stay and go why not live here

nevard: i would like that its been so long since ive been able to have a nice rest but if you dont mind do you have a tub i can bathe in

jaysen: yeah down the hall to the right how about you clean your self off while i cook us dinner before we all go to bed

nevard: thanks ugh dammit

kaito: you ok

nevard: urg hagh

nuimata: i believe he's experiencing phantom pain

kaito: phantom pain

nuimata: it when one fell pain in the area where they lost a limb and usually happens randomly 

nevard: yeah nuimata is right been living with it for a while usually nothing very painful but there are times where it does get that way but it goes away after a few minutes but if you'll excuse me im going to clean my self up

jaysen: also ill order some materials so you can make some better prosthetics

nevard: yeah that'd be nice

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