A peaceful night

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Prompt: you are helping the Duke comb his hair after bathing with him.

Y/n pov:

I was just finishing up getting dressed for the night after bathing with my darling husband. Who knew the charming merchant would choose someone like me, I used to work for umbrella but after some unfortunate events, I helped Ethan save his daughter and during said adventure grew close with The Duke. His charming and gentleman like remarks always stuck to me. I knew if I were to go back to umbrella I most likely wouldn't have lived, so I snuck off with the duke living peacefully in a forest while still traveling to different villages so he could sell his wares.
"My dear, I may need a little help with something." I shook out of my thoughts once I hear Duke's voice. I finished putting on some pj's and made it out to the living room area to see the duke sitting. I walk up to him and he grins "do you mind combing my hair my little rabbit?" I slightly blushed still not use to the many pet names he gives me. "yeah sure" I feel him easily lift me with one arm up onto his shoulders letting his head rest between my thighs as I carefully comb his hair with a brush feeling him hum softly at the feeling.

(sorry for such a short story- I'm still not very great at writing long ones especially with minimal prompt to write about-)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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