Chapter 18

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As the celestial beings grappled with the challenge of Yixiang's fate and the Blood Heart Star, Constellation Keeper Kong Sang, Yixing, and Old Yao recognized the need for a higher authority to intervene. With determination in their hearts, they made their way to the Heavenly Court, where the Heavenly King held sway over matters of cosmic importance.

With solemn reverence, they approached the throne of the Heavenly King, their heads bowed in respect. "Your Majesty," Kong Sang began, his voice ringing with conviction, "we come before you with a request of utmost importance."

The Heavenly King regarded them with a gaze as ancient as the stars themselves, his expression inscrutable. "Speak, Constellation Keeper," he commanded, his voice resonating with divine authority.

Kong Sang took a deep breath, his resolve unwavering. "We seek your blessing to allow Yixiang, one of our own, to enter the mortal realm," he explained, his words measured and deliberate. "She faces a dire tribulation, and only by venturing into the mortal realm can she hope to save herself and restore her celestial essence."

The Heavenly King's gaze softened with understanding as he considered Kong Sang's request. "Such a decision is not to be taken lightly," he cautioned, his voice echoing through the hallowed halls of the Heavenly Court. "The mortal realm is fraught with peril, and the consequences of this decision could have far-reaching implications."

Yixing stepped forward, her eyes shining with determination. "We understand the risks, Your Majesty," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "But Yixiang's fate hangs in the balance, and we cannot stand idly by while she suffers."

Old Yao nodded in agreement, his gaze steady as he met the gaze of the Heavenly King. "We humbly ask for your guidance and your blessing in this matter," he implored, his voice filled with reverence.

For a moment, the Heavenly King regarded them in silence, his expression unreadable. And then, with a solemn nod of his head, he spoke. "Very well," he intoned, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I grant your request. May the cosmic forces watch over Yixiang on her journey, and may she emerge from her tribulation unscathed."

With the Heavenly King's blessing secured, Kong Sang, Yixing, and Old Yao departed from the Heavenly Court, their hearts filled with determination as they prepared to embark on the next stage of their quest.

As Yixiang's fate hung in the balance, the celestial beings gathered solemnly in the quiet confines of the celestial realm. There was no grand memorial held for her, no elaborate ceremony to mark her departure—only Constellation Keeper Kong Sang, Yixing, and Old Yao stood vigil as they prepared to send her last piece of celestial essence to the mortal realm.

Yixing's heart ached with grief as she gazed upon her unconscious sister, her hands trembling with emotion. "I want to go with her," she whispered, her voice choked with sorrow.

But Kong Sang shook his head gently, his expression solemn. "We still need you here, Yixing," he explained, his voice soft yet firm. "The task of retrieving the Blood Heart Star remains unfinished, and we will need your strength and courage in the days to come."

Reluctantly, Yixing nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared burden. With a final glance at her sister's still form, she silently vowed to do whatever it took to ensure Yixiang's safe return.

And then, with a solemn ritual, they released Yixiang's last droplet of celestial essence into the cosmic currents, watching as it floated gracefully towards the terrace of Mortal Tribulation. The sky around it shimmered with the brilliance of a thousand stars, their celestial light guiding Yixiang's essence along its path.

As the last remnants of her celestial essence vanished into the celestial horizon, a sense of quiet reverence settled over the gathered beings. Though their hearts were heavy with sorrow, they found solace in the knowledge that Yixiang's journey was guided by the light of the stars, and that she would never be alone as she faced the trials that awaited her in the mortal realm.

With determination in their hearts, Kong Sang, Yixing, and Old Yao turned their gaze towards the heavens, their thoughts consumed by the hope of Yixiang's safe return and the challenges that lay ahead. And as the celestial realm faded into the embrace of the cosmic night, they knew that their bond as celestial siblings would endure, transcending the boundaries of time and space to guide them through even the darkest of nights.

With Yixiang's fate sealed in the hands of the mortal realm, the celestial siblings turned their attention to the daunting task that lay before them—the extraction of the Blood Heart Star from the hilt of the sword and its transfer to the Dream Lamp. Constellation Keeper Kong Sang, Yixing, and Old Yao gathered around the ancient artifact, their brows furrowed in deep concentration.

"We must find a way to remove the Blood Heart Star from the sword's hilt without causing harm," Kong Sang declared, his voice resolute as he studied the intricate engravings that adorned the celestial weapon.

Yixing nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the blade with a keen gaze. "But how do we accomplish such a feat?" she wondered aloud, her mind racing with possibilities.

Old Yao, his expression thoughtful, approached the sword with caution, his hands hovering over its gleaming surface. "Perhaps there is a hidden mechanism or enchantment that holds the Blood Heart Star in place," he suggested, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Together, they examined the sword with meticulous care, searching for any sign of a way to safely extract the precious celestial artifact. Hours passed in a flurry of activity as they experimented with various methods and incantations, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

And then, just as hope began to wane, Yixing's sharp eyes caught sight of a faint shimmer along the blade's edge. With a gasp of realization, she reached out to touch the intricate pattern, feeling a subtle vibration beneath her fingertips.

"It's a celestial lock," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "We can unlock it to release the Blood Heart Star from its prison."

With renewed determination, they set to work deciphering the intricate pattern, channeling their celestial energies into the task at hand. Slowly, painstakingly, the celestial lock began to yield to their efforts, its hidden mechanisms unlocking with each precise movement.

And then, with a soft click, the lock disengaged, and the Blood Heart Star shimmered with newfound freedom, its celestial essence pulsing with radiant energy. With careful precision, they transferred the precious artifact to the Dream Lamp, its surface glowing with the promise of newfound power.

As Yixing successfully transferred the Blood Heart Star to the Dream Lamp, a surge of radiant energy engulfed the lamp, illuminating the celestial realm with its brilliant light. With a soft hum, the Dream Lamp ignited, its glow spreading far and wide, casting a protective aura over the mortal realm.

In an instant, the once troubled human realm was bathed in the warm glow of peace and tranquility. The chaos and darkness that had plagued its lands were banished, replaced by an aura of harmony and serenity.

Witnessing the transformative power of the Dream Lamp, the sea goddess and her legion of helpers felt a sense of relief wash over them. With a graceful nod, the sea goddess called back her loyal companions to the depths of the sea realm, their mission of aid fulfilled as peace returned to the human realm.

As the light of the Dream Lamp spread across the mortal realm, its radiant energy purged the land of the malevolent demons that had once roamed its lands. With each flicker of its celestial light, the demons were banished, their dark presence vanquished by the overwhelming power of celestial magic.

And as the last remnants of darkness faded into oblivion, the mortal realm was reborn anew, its lands bathed in the gentle glow of celestial light. The people rejoiced, their hearts filled with gratitude for the celestial beings who had intervened to save them from destruction.

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