The Beginning

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A wreck of a car sits in a lot full of other derelict cars but she is set apart from them as if she were special for some reason. She has sat there for years collecting dust with only one visitor who comes by once in a while. A dark haired man in a tan trench-coat watches her from a distance over the years. One day a young girl comes to the junk yard. Tears are streaming down her face and she rests against the hood of the car sobbing. Her boyfriend had left her for one of the cheerleaders at her school. She looks around at the car and smiles slightly "Aren't you a pretty thing" she says to no one in particular before opening the door and cleaning the drivers side out. She finds the key to the car on the Dashboard and when she turns it amazingly the car starts. She slowly drives the car home and her dad sighs because this is just another of the old stray things that Cameron has brought home to fix. "hey Dad what kind of car is this" she asks sweetly"its an Impala sweetie made in the 1960's i would say maybe a 67' or 68'". She smiles because she loves old things and begins to clean the interior. Inside she finds a box of old rock music, mostly Metallica and AC/DC, and a laptop. When she opens the trunk she finds guns and all kinds of strange things under the false bottom as well as a worn leather jacket. She doesn't tell anyone about any of these things. she sits in the car and notices a piece of chapped tan leather sticking out from under the passenger side of the seat. As she pulls it out she finds a journal written in by a father and his two sons about many strange events and creatures.....

Over the course of a week Cameron reads the journal that details the lives of the Winchester family and their friends.She slowly begins to understand all the strange happenings that never made sense to her before she learned about the paranormal in the world. She reads on to the very end and the handwriting changes to a flowing beautiful script, like that of an angel. As she reads on she sees the sadness thru Castiel's writing. The script stops abruptly when Sam and Dean are battling a creature called the Darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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