Chapter 7

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After leaving Novalis and heading towards Aridia, our heroes decided to spend their freetime doing things around themselves. Clank studied the Temple of Ares' key fragment, wanting to become more familiar with its signature so that he could locate the remaining fragments. Ratchet, on the other hand, spent his time training his Nether powers under the watchful eye of Spartacus. The former Nether general is a very strict teacher and points out every mistake and tells how to correct it. Lombax understood this approach, of course, as Alister had used it more than once.

"No no no! You have to control your concentration or you'll blow up the whole ship, Rachan. Focus and concentrate the energy in your hand," said the former General.

"I know that, but your complaining doesn't help me, especially since I can hear it on stereo."- said Lombax, mentioning that everytime that Spartacus speaks, he can hear him via his ears and inside his mind.

"Less complaining, more focusing. Do you think your opponent will give you time to concentrate? He will take advantage of this and kill you! You must learn how to create offensive spells under even heavy enemy fire!" Spartacus shouted. "Try again. Try to focus the Nether energy in your hand and make it form a small ball of fire."

Ratchet rolled his eyes and then did as he was told. He stretched his hand out in front of him and began to send his energy into it. He focused and focused, but with each passing moment he only felt more and more tired. His whole body was slowly starting to hurt more and more, which only made it harder for him to concentrate.

After a few minutes, Lombax fell to the ground, exhausted and in pain. His attempt to create a fireball failed. Seeing this, Spartacus suggested a short break, to which Ratchet agreed. Having time to himself, the young bounty hunter decided to check on his partner. He knocked a few times on the door leading to the Olympian's room and was allowed to enter.

The interior of Clank's room is completely different from Ratchet's. The entire room was clean, tidy and filled with various things such as diagrams, holographic boards and books on various topics, ranging from biographies to science fiction.

Clank was currently sitting at his desk, continuing to analyze the key fragment.

"I have already learned the key signature and will now be able to search for the remaining fragments without any problems," the Olympian said." But that's all. There are inscriptions here in an old version of my language and I'm trying to decipher them. How's your training going? Everything is OK?"

Ratchet was impressed by what his companion had managed to accomplish and was a little jealous of it as well. While he struggled with magic, Clank easily dealt with his problem and now uses his time for some side task.

"Yeah, let's say. I can't create a damn fireball!" Lombax shouted. "No matter how many times I try, I can't even create a fucking spark! And it pisses me off!"

Hearing anger in his friend's voice, Clank stopped analyzing the inscription and asked Ratchet to sit next to him. When Lombax placed his butt on a chair, the Olympian decided to help his friend.

"I understand this is hard for you. I had the same experience. Some time ago I tried to recreate a basic spell that my mother uses constantly. There was no way I could do it. I asked her why this was happening, even though I was her son. She replied that every being that can use magic has some sort of "affiliation." Mine is antimatter, and other types of spells, such as fire, are much, much harder for me to create. I can do them, but it's very hard," Clank revealed. "Maybe it's the same with you? Maybe fire is not your element."

Ratchet slowly absorbed what was being said to him. In fact, when he tried to create a fireball, he felt such an unpleasant feeling. As if someone or something was telling him to stop. Maybe it was a sign that he wasn't meant to use fire magic. But if not this, then what? After all, Spartacus's soul slowly merges with his, and this is a source of his magical abilities. And if that gives him powers, then the Nether General's fire elemental affiliation should also transfer to him, right?

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