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Run, run faster, don't stop fucking running.

Those are the only words that ring like a broken mantra inside my head as I sprint down the empty sidewalk in the dead of night, for what reason is a hybrid running alone at this time of night? I'll tell you.

I was once a present for a little girl of a wealthy businessman about five years ago, everything was going great for me at first, the girl and I were friends she loved me with her whole heart, my adoption certificate was even in her name, she was my whole world after I had just turned twenty and the adoption was set in stone.

Her father let her adopt a hybrid strictly because most of them were good with kids and he thought of me as some glorified babysitter but not even a year later my little girl was diagnosed with brain cancer and she passed away on her birthday the following year. Her mother couldn't even look at me without crying remembering all the fun times the three of us had together, like the summer picnic we had at a local park for my adoption day or the movie night we had after Christmas had come and gone, laughing and throwing popcorn at each other when a food fight started on screen.

The father on the other hand is a nasty man, back door dealing drugs, guns and ammo, you name it he gave it to you for a high price whether that be information on his competitors or cold hard cash, while the face of his business was a hybrid rights center, bunch of bullshit if you ask me. He started coming into my room a month after his daughter passed away a drunken fool but who was I to tell him no or  get away from me? I couldn't do jack shit I had to sit there and take the punches and the slaps of the whip he brought into my room the same night, he would yell at me for killing his daughter at the beginning then he started blaming me for everything that was wrong in the world using racial slurs and hybrid slurs in a means to get under my skin so I would lash out at him, giving him another reason to punish me. He would starve me half to death because I was too big for a hybrid that was meant to be small and frail, unable to provide or protect herself, most of the time I wasn't even allowed to leave my room but tonight was the final straw.

I couldn't take the years of abuse anymore so once he was passed out in the bed next to me I used it as my chance to escape, putting my clothes back on as quickly and quietly as I could before silently running downstairs and out the door. The cool spring air sent a chill down my spine, I closed the door gently and started walking out of the rich neighborhood I once called home and down the first alleyway I could find which was my first mistake.

I rub my hands up and down my arms hoping to keep myself somewhat warm cautiously walking forward looking over my shoulder every now and again to see if someone was following me when I hit a brick wall, no, brick walls don't growl like that. "Look what the cat dragged in!" The mystery man roughly grabs me by the shoulders and yanks me in front of him with a disgusting smirk on his face his scent reeks of shitty cigars and marijuana with a hint of wood rot. "She looks like one of those rich bastard's hybrids look at what she's wearing, not to mention that diamond studded collar she's got on." Another hybrid stands in front of my shaking form flicking my sensitive ears causing me to squeak.

"Awe would you listen to her? Do it again Max she seems to like it." He chuckles darkly before the other man flicks my ear again causing me to hum. "Please s-stop I don't-" A fist meets my already starving stomach causing me to fall into the grime and garbage below me. The hybrid that was previously holding my arm kneels next to me his horrid scent filling my nose and I clamp my hand over my mouth but it was so pungent I could taste it in the back of my throat, I damn near threw up.

"Give us your collar bitch and we'll call it a night." He demands, I couldn't bring myself to let it go not now, it was the first present my little girl gave me when she adopted me, it's become the last physical memory I have of her. The thin hybrid grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back exposing my throat and only now do I notice that their both wolf hybrids, shit. "You heard him squirrel hand it over and we'll let you get away with your life." I have no idea what to do so I take a short glance around me and find an old pipe and lunge for it, swinging it at them connecting with one of their heads. "You're gonna regret that rat!" I don't give either of them enough time to scramble after me as I'm already out of the alleyway.

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