Chapter 16

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Illen stepped away from Brin and glared at Sam. "I never thought you would steep so low as to get involved with a human," she sneered at Brin, almost spitting the last word.

"At least she does not resort to using hemper to get a man into bed." Brin spoke loudly and clearly, in an emotionless voice. Most of the crowd heard him and those who knew what hemper was began muttering angrily.

"That is a very serious accusation Prince," Zanthir said, pushing Illen aside. "Do you have any proof?"

"No," Brin reluctantly admitted, "but some of my friends were present, including Prince Tor, and all are willing to testify against her."

"Very well. Let us proceed directly to the King."

"You cannot be serious," Illen said in disbelief.

Zanthir turned and regarded her coldly. "You have been accused of a serious crime. While you have the right to face your accuser, he also has the right to have his accusation investigated. Or are you suggesting that the law does not apply to you?"

Illen laughed, her voice clear and seductive. "Go ahead with your little charade," she said to the elderly advisor. "I am innocent and Brin cannot prove otherwise. When the King agrees that the accusation is false, then I will demand my justice."

The dress she wore was tight fitting at the top, but flowed out from the hips. Gripping the edge as she turned, she made sure she revealed a lot of her shapely leg as she walked away from the assembled crowd.

"I hope for your sake you win," Zanthir said quietly to Brin before turning to follow after her. Nisse ran after them.

"What if you lose?" Sam asked, concerned.

Brin shrugged. "That bitch gets to demand whatever recompense she sees fit."

"Anything?" Sam asked in distress.

"Do not worry," Brin assured her with a smile. "I will not lose. The King will not take her word over that of a kinsman and a visiting Prince from another country."

"He had better not," Sam muttered under her breath.

Brin instructed everyone to dismount and they followed the elderly elf on foot, escorted by Nisse's company of guards. The crowd parted as they drew near and closed in again behind them. Sam heard a number of elves calling hello or welcome back to Brin; most, she noted, sounded female. They turned a corner and Sam stopped abruptly, causing Ria to walk into her. Ahead, on the ground, was a large wooden structure. The way it was built around the trees made them resemble giant pillars.

"The palace," Brin announced, stating the obvious. There were no guards to be seen and the door stood open. Brin entered and led them directly to the throne room. It was quite small compared to others Sam had been inside and contained no unnecessary furnishing or wall hangings. There were two large wooden chairs on a raised dais, both of which were occupied. A large tree grew behind them, beside which stood Nisse, a frown across his face. The trunk was silver and shone brightly, illuminating the room. Illen was speaking quietly with the occupant of one of the thrones, who Sam presumed was the Queen, while Zanthir was talking with the other.

All conversation stopped as Brin loudly announced their presence. "Hello Uncle," he called out. "May I have the honour of presenting his royal Highness, Prince Tor of Remeny."

"Brin," the Queen cried out, standing up and pushing past Illen. She was tall, for an elf, and was wearing a long dress made of green silk with gold trim. She ran up to Brin and threw her arms around him. Up close, Sam could see the lines on her face which betrayed her age.

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