Crying with you

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When you told me about your past
I felt my heart break within me
The pain that soared through
And poured acid
Burned my soul and skin

It melted and deformed me with every tear that dropped from your heterochromia eyes

Those eyes that resembled Mother Earth and heaven
I asked myself if
you were gate to my salvation or the dark man that would take me back to hell

Non, il n'était pas

Il était ma destruction

Mon amour

Mon soleil

Mon salutations

Mon ami

The love that I gave you and the mercy that you asked was delivered

Yet you turn and cry with no sound coming out

You cry as if god has forgotten you

You cry as in the very minute you will die

Your lips trembles and your eyes turns red
Yet the colors of your heterochromia shine with every tear drop that fell

Who has beating you so dark and blue

Who has bashed your soul to the point of no return

Was it me

Was it my undying love

Or my claim to never leave you

Was it my tears

"No", you said

"Don't, do that, don't let yourself slip" you continued

What does he mean

"What" I said

"Don't leave me"he said


"Don't leave us" he quietly said

Almost a whisper but I heard


Why does he...

Tears were slipping down from my eyes

Eyes that were almost black like
Eyes that have seen heaven and

Was blurred with tears

Tears the hold story's of different life's

"Why" I asked

"Why do you still, want someone that have been tinted" I continued quietly

"Because you and I are the same" he said

"you and I were meant to be even if you don't believe that" he said

He caressed my cheek and whispered

" God made you for me to have and to protect"

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