-- Chapter 17 --

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The next Morning we have just hit the button of the elevator, when we hear a scream in one of the rooms on this floor. The door of a room opens and Eve runs into the hallway, dressed in boxers and a t-shirt that is obviously Jacks.

A few seconds later a completely naked Jack also appears into the hallway, his hand covers his crown jewels, a large penis drawn all over his chest.

Eve runs over to us and hides behind Alex, she is laughing like crazy.

"Eve, you....you....come here and let Daddy hug you!", Jack screams trying to sound deep and serious and he tries to catch Eve which is hard with just one hand.

At this point I am in tears from laughing so hard, this scene is unrealistic. Eve runs away from us, back into their room and closes the door, which can't be open from the outside. So, a naked Jack is standing in the hallway banging on the door.

Just then, the elevator arrives. "Let's escape from those crazy people", Alex whispers to me and pushes me into the elevator, because I am not really able to walk from laughing so hard. Before the elevator door closes we hear Jack scream and Eve squeal.

"I doubt that we'll see those two today, at all", I say and Alex chuckles.

He pulls me close and kisses my lips softly.

"Why aren't we that crazy?", Alex asks.

I laugh. "Because we are proper grown-up people, who have a serious relationship and we do have our crazy moments, Mister 'Let-Wax-Run-Over-My-Body'. And are you really talking about Jack and his craziness?"

Alex blushes when I told the part about the wax.

When we get into the lobby, we already smell pancakes.

"Woah, I'm starving", Alex says when we enter the breakfast room.

After having breakfast for 3 hours we are now just strolling down the road that leads to the Eiffle Tower.

"You ready for some sightseeing, babe?"

I look up at Alex and laugh. "You know I love sightseeing, so there is no need to ask this."

He grins down at me and takes my hand while we walk to wherever our feet lead us.

We took kissing photos in front of the Eiffle Tower and were into one museum and saw the Mona Lisa picture. I have to say that Paris is a very wonderful town.

A few hours later we sit down in some small coffee.

"I am dead, Alex, dead."

He chuckles. "Well, that's too bad, because I have plans for tonight."


Alex nods.

"Can we take a nap then?"

Alex laughs at me. "Sure, babe."

The waiter brings us our ordered coffee and we just watch people walking by. We aren't talking much, I am too tired to talk and Alex seems to be thinking very hard. I really wonder why.

I enjoy sitting next to the man I love in a foreign country. I really wish we could do that for a lifetime.


He looks up at me.

"Uhm, can I ask you something?"

He shots me a questioning look. "Sure. What's up, babe?"

"You know, I had an idea."

"And that idea would be?"

"You know I miss you so much when you're gone and I don't want to spend one day without you. So, you said that you'd need a new Assistant Tour Manager soon. So I thought if it was possible to work with you?"

The flavour of your lips is enough to keep me here (Alex Gaskarth Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang