The breakover.

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Date March 2nd 2020
time; 9:28Am
Location: Mr. Kentos classroom
Nobaras p.o.v
Where the hell is that idiot? -nobara mutters under her breathe as she bites her fingernail nervously as she stares at the classroom door, expecting the pink haired idiot to dash through-

Megumi's p.o.v
Breakfast is over and class has already started. -megumi thinks to himself as he looks up from his note book and stares at nobara, excepting her to know something but she is as clueless as he is-

Yuji itadori? -the blonde man says as he calls out for attendance, 10 seconds pass and he looks up, his eyes following around expecting an answer- yuji itadori absent. -he exclaims as he pushes up his glasses his nose and he goes back to attendance-

30 minutes later Time; 9:55Am.
Location: 2nd floor, class 3-2 1st hallway outside Mr.kentos classroom

Yujis p.o.v
Damn it, if I wasn't so stuck up like a little bitch I would've been in class right down. -yuji shuts his eyes closed and lays back against the wall right next to Mr.Kentos classroom door and sighs softly and the school bell rings, signaling next class period-

-all the students barg out of the classroom and yuji just stands against the wall waiting for nobara and megumi to come out, as expected the 2 were the last ones out-

Nobaras p.o.v
I swear if that idiot isn't out the door where he should be I swear I will murder him! -nobara mutters to herself as she drags megumi out the door along with her- hey sorry I was late.. -a soft innocent voice comes from beside them, nobara turns around and stares at yuji- where the hell where you? What took you so long? -nobara says now glaring down at yuji- sorry, I had to... talk with my mother. -yuji says lowering his head with a dark expression- -nobaras expression softens and she looks away and let's go of fushiguros arm- oh.. it's alright.. but just don't do it again you idiot! -nobara says as she's hits yuji on the shoulder and she turns away as yuji looks up at her- be happy I didn't hit you harder. -she mutters as she walks away to her next class, feeling a bit concerned on why yuji acted like that-

Megumi's p.o.v
-he watched nobara walk away and he turned to face yuji who was staring at megumi but he quickly turned away,- yuji you alright? -megumi asks as yuji stares at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact- yeah I'm alright. -yuji says and he walks off aswell- he seems... quite down..-megumi thinks to himself as he watches yuji walk off, he soon snaps out of his thoughts and begins to walk to his next class aswell-

English class, Time; 10:23Am location- Mrs. Uthimes classroom located on the 3rd floor in the 2nd hallway, class 4-1

Megumi's p.o.v
Yuji hasn't talked at all this whole period, I wonder what happened during breakfast that made him so down? I've never once seen him so... nervous. -Megumi thinks to himself as he try not to stare at yuji so much as an attempt to calm him down-
psk, megumi.. -nobara says in a soft whisper as she passes a small note to megumi's desk and she gives megumi a small smile then turns away with a cold look- -megumi looks at nobara confused but he soon opens the small note and his eyes widen in shock- what... -megumi looks up at nobara with a terrified look on his face, nobara just stared down at him with a glare she mouths some words to him that read... its your fault.

October 2nd 2020- Time; 10:30Am location- Mrs.Kentos classroom.
Hey! Megumi! -nobara shouts as she shakes megumi awake- wake up! We have to go to next period! -nobara says,

Megumi's p.o.v
Someone is shaking me.. is it yuji? What was that dream.. it seems... familiar. "we have to go to next period!" -a soft voice echoes as i recover my continuous- it's nobara...-i slowly open my eyes and I stare up at what looks like a pink haired boy wearing which is my black hoodie, he seems to stare down at me with a cold expression he always has that cold expression, his hands in the black baggy pockets with his hood covering his head- y-yuji? -megumi says in a sleepy voice as he lifts his head up and slowly rubs his eyes reveling a blurry vision as he opens them- ughh! Because of you were gonna be late! Why do you guys have to be such a burden! -nobara shouts as she crosses her arms and glares away from my vision- why couldn't it go back to the old times..-she mutters under her breathe, her cold glare changing into a soft frown, her eyes softening with small tears swelling up as she zones out-

let's go. -yuji says in a cold tone was his tone always like that? my gaze now fixated on him as the black figure walks away- for some reason I don't seem to memorize him anymore.. -i think to myself,- when did he get such a cold expression... and when was the last time I saw him without such...awful scars. -i snap out of my thoughts and I sigh softly and get up and walk off leaving nobara behind, I stop at the classroom door and look back at nobara- are you coming or what? -i say in a cold tone- -nobara soon falls out of her thoughts and wipes her warm tears away- i-ill be there in a sec... go on ahead -she says as she turns away not wanting to face me- -i roll my eyes and scoff- whatever -i mutter under my breathe as I exit out of the classroom-

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