Episode : 1

113 11 6

On an ordinary morning, Priya stirred from her slumber to the persistent chirping of her phone alarm. Despite the dizziness clouding her senses, she reluctantly peeled herself from the warmth of her bed. With a tired yawn, she ventured forth, her steps faltering slightly as she made her way to the washroom. Inside, she mechanically began to brush her teeth, the rhythmic motion lulling her into a drowsy stupor, her eyelids heavy as if weighted down by the sands of sleep.

As Priya mindlessly went through her morning routine, her phone suddenly pierced the tranquility with its insistent ringtone. Startled, she glanced at the time, her heart skipping a beat as she realized it was already 9 a.m. With a muttered curse, she hastily grabbed her belongings, a pang of frustration pulsating through her temples as she slammed her forehead in exasperation. After quickly devouring a meager breakfast, she darted out the door, her steps brisk with determination as she embarked on the mad dash to her office, the world outside a blur as she raced against the ticking clock.

Priya stepped into her boss's cabin, greeted by his welcoming smile as he motioned for her to take a seat. Accepting the papers he passed her way, she skimmed through them with a furrowed brow, her expression turning increasingly sour with each passing word. Finally, she lowered the documents onto the desk, her resolve firm as she met her boss's expectant gaze.With a determined flicker in her eyes,

she made her stance clear, declaring that she refused to conduct the interview at any cost.

Priya: reads through the papers, then puts them down I'm sorry, but I can't do this interview.

Boss: Oh? Is there a problem?

Priya: Yes, I know this person, and to be frank, he's quite arrogant. Besides, I'm not a fan of his work either.

Boss: I understand your concerns, Priya, but this interview is important for the company. Can't you put aside personal opinions for the sake of professionalism?

Priya: I understand the importance, but I don't feel comfortable conducting an interview with someone I have personal reservations about. I believe it would be best for someone else to handle it.

Boss: Priya, I understand your concerns, but honestly, I trust you to handle this interview better than anyone else on the team. Your professionalism and expertise make you the perfect candidate for the job.

Priya: I appreciate your confidence in me, but I'm still hesitant. I don't want my personal feelings to affect the quality of the interview.

Boss: I hear you, Priya. But sometimes, in our line of work, we have to set aside personal preferences for the greater good of the company. You're more than capable of conducting a fair and insightful interview, regardless of your personal opinions.

Priya: *sighs* Alright, I'll do it. But I can't promise I'll enjoy it.

Boss: That's all I ask, Priya. Thank you for being flexible and putting the company's needs first. I know you'll do a great job.

Priya: Thanks, boss. I'll do my best.

As Priya settled into her desk, she wasted no time diving into her tasks for the day. With a swift click, she summoned Ram's name on her screen, her curiosity piqued as she delved into the realm of online information. Lost in the sea of search results, she barely noticed Mallika's approach until the intern stood before her, brandishing a freshly printed book.

Mallika's eager eyes met Priya's, a hint of uncertainty dancing within them as she extended the book for final inspection. Priya accepted it with a nod, her keen gaze scanning the pages with practiced precision. It didn't take long for her to unearth a handful of typos, her trained eye catching the errors with ease.

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