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Attending the academy without Coriolanus was horrible.
I still had friends, but they all had their boyfriends so now I was just there. I hardly spoke and they hardly talked to me. However, from the looks of it, Coriolanus was working a lot. 2 months had passed since he broke up with me and in 2 months the results of the plinth prize would be revealed. Part of me had hope that he would ask to get back together when he won. But the other part knew that I had to move on.

"Are you alright Erica?"Arachne asked me. I lifted my head from the table as I fixed my bangs. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just very dizzy right now, I got no sleep last night." I replied as I looked at her. In that moment Coriolanus past behind Arachne,  walking to a class. "I need to go to the washroom." I excused myself, getting up as I walked to the girls washroom. I looked at the mirror as I fixed my hair. I was so tired, and so dizzy today, normally I was just quiet because I had nothing to mention but today was different. I walked into the stall as I pulled out a granola bar from my pocket, I hated eating in front of my friends, they hardly ate, they had all the food in the world yet the most they'd do was drink water. Not because they struggled but because they felt academy meals were sloppy.

I bit the granola bar as I felt the chocolate flavor hit my tongue. In less then a second I gagged, letting the piece of granola fall in the floor. Why was I finding this chocolate disgusting? I eat it everyday, and suddenly today I'm throwing it up. Then out of nowhere, I felt a rush going through my throat, this mornings breakfast as it fell into the toilet. I was throwing up and I hated it. I never threw up, not even when I was sick. I flushed the toilet as I left the stall, washing my mouth in the sink as I left the washroom.

I sighed my name off, I couldn't spend another hour here, I wanted to go home and part of me knew that my parents would be upset but it would be worth it.

I walked home as I reached our apartment, both of my parents weren't home  so at least I could come up with my excuse to why I left school. I hung my stuff on the wall as I heard the phone ring. "Hello?" I greeted picking the phone up. "Hello Erica, is your mother home?" The voice asked. I smiled, recognizing the voice of my aunt immediately. "No, she's working. Can I help you?" I asked. "Yes, do you know where your moms medicine cabinet is?" She spoke as I looked around.

My mom worked in medicine so she had every antibiotic, test and shot ever. There had been many times where I would unlock it retrieve and melatonin for Coriolanus, he always struggled sleeping during testing periods of the academy. "Yes do you need something?" I answered as I walked over to the cabinet. "Yes, my friend has been throwing up for weeks now and she's late right now, can you grab a pregnancy test? I'll pick it up in an hour." My aunt asked. I nodded as I opened the test cabinet. As I grabbed the test, I realized something, I was late right now, I've always been irregular but I was extra late today. "Yes it's fine, I'll be waiting for you." I replied. "Great, thank you sweetheart." Her aunt replied before hanging up. I looked at the tests, could my thought be true. It couldn't, I desperately hope that it couldn't. However, I needed to see, maybe I was just sick. I grabbed two pregnancy tests as I locked the cabinet.

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