chapter one

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Junior year

After all that had gone on in Ryan's life so far he was always looking for something to help him escape, to get him out of the reality he faced every minute of every day. With all the searching he did the only thing that truly took his mind off of his issues was music, he loved to sing, play many instruments, and most of all he loved to write songs.

Ryan was in a band with a few friends from school that he had known almost his whole life and they were doing quite well. When they had first started the band Ryan had planned to be the vocalist but at their first practice he heard his bandmate and best friend Brendon sing and decided that he should be the vocalist instead due to his immense talent and unique sound.

They would play music at schools, churches, and at little conventions without gaining much traction as they were still in high school and it wasn't seeming that they could produce anything as of yet.

But after a short while Ryan had noticed his friend Brendon start to change; he would suddenly start to get touchy with the group. (especially Ryan) and it would make them have an odd feeling because before the band he had never acted like that before.

But slowly as the dynamic started to change Ryan became more comfortable and actually started to enjoy the touchy feely side of Brendon, it made him feel like there was someone who actually cared about him and what he wanted. It felt nice to have someone stable, someone who he wouldn't have to take care of, because they would take care of him.

(Authors note: y'all i haven't written one of these in forever i need feedback!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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