the begining

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Lynn entered the club with her two friends behind her. Lynn hated going out she despised it but her friends encouraged her to. she obviously cannot say no to them. "Guy's I really don't want to be here." Lynn said. "Ugh we knew you would start saying that!!" Yelled Nick.

"Yeah, Nick's right...maybe its time for you to open your shell and meet new people." Micah encouraged. Lynn knew Micah was right....she should be going out and meeting knew people, she was at the peak of her age. Maybe she should actually try to have fun, instead of being a negative Nancy.

"Just have fun! Try not to think so hard about it." Nick said, "Ugh...okay fine...ill try and have fun." Lynn sighed, her two friends behind her started cheering quiety as they entered deeper  into the club. This was gonna be a long night.


Lynn hated this. She hated this so much. She wants to be home, by herself, in her bed, rewatching Haikyuu, but instead she is out in a club, with her extremely chaotic friends.

She tried to be chill about it and not just complain the entire night. But jesus christ she can't be here a minute longer. It's already 12 Am, and she feels like she just worked a 12 hour shift with absolutely no break. Nick is next to her in the booth, disgustingly drunk, complaining about god knows what, and Micah is...uh she doesn't really know where micah is.

How are they getting home? She doesn't really know...Nick clearly cannot drive and Lynn doesn't really know just how drunk Micah is, she does know he has a pretty High alcohol tolerance.

Godddd why did she go? why why why why? Lynn groans loudly as she roughly bangs her head on the table. "Ouch fuck!" she quickly pulls her head back up and rubs the spot she banged on the table. "Oh noooo are you okay???" Nick asks while hugging her very sluggish and wobby. "Yeah im gonna get a drink, do you want one??" Lynn asks while standing up. "Yes!! another shot...please." Nick pleads. "Another shot got it" Lynn starts to walk away. Yeah they're getting water.

Lynn walks up to the island part of the bar (idk what its called- alyssa) She sits down while letting out a sigh at the same time. "What's got you so sad?" A mysterious voice asks, you look up to see possibly the most beautiful women you've ever seen.

She has the pretties hazel eyes, with freckles  all over her face, it would be impossible to count all of them, but you started to feel an urge to. She also has dark brown hair. With her hair in a tiny bun, her hair barley long enough to be called a just making the cut. She was the definition of beautiful. Her voice was also so lovely, almost like a disney prince- No better than a disney princess.

"Uh...oh it's really nothing" You say nervously. God stop being so nervous!!! Shes just the bartender.

"Well something has to be bothering you for you to be sighing like that." The mysterious bartender lets out a tiny laugh. Of course even her laugh is beautiful. "I just...don't reall like clubs...or bars...or anywhere this public really." You reply, "Ahhh so your more of  a homebody" She says, "Yeah pretty much"

The mysterious bartender starts getting out glasses and filling them up drinks for customers. "Well can I get you anything? Anything to help your night go by better." The bartender asks "just two waters" you say.

"Two?" The bartender gets two glasses out from underneath the table. "Yeah, my friend is like...really really drunk right now, the last thing they need is more alcohol." The bartender lets out a small smile. The quick smile felt like it lasted hours. God why did she have to be so pretty. You groan in your head.

While you were freaking out about her smile, two glasses of water appear in front of your face. "Here" you grab the drinks from the bartender your fingers slightly touching hers. "Thanks...uh how much are they?" you ask.

"Ehh don't worry about it, it's on the house. Hopefully it will make your night go by better." She gives you another smile, this one even bigger, brighter, and better than the last. "Oh well...t-thanks!" Fuck don't start stutter now you tell yourself in your head. You gotta get out of here. Now.

You start to turn away but something stops you. It almost feels like an unusual force. "What's your name?" You quickly blurt out. Fuck. The bartender turns her head to look at you. It almost looks like shes hesitating to reveal anything. "I-i-it's fine! you don-" "Sara."


"You?" she asks.

Lynn you wanted to say something but nothing would come out. You were so fucking nervous and for what? You've met pretty girls, many pretty girls, and you never get this nervous so you don't understand whats so different this time. That's a lie. You knew what was different this time. You never met a girl with this aura before. You never met a girl that was so god damn beautiful before. That was the difference.

Shit you probably look like an idiot right now just standing here staring at her. "Lynn." You say, "my name is lynn" your voice quiets down at that last part. "Well see you around lynn. I hope to see you again, even though you don't like bars." She laughs, "So do I." You say, "Come back least come back to talk to me." Sara waves goodbye and you nod and walk off. Kinda feeling like you want to burst into flames and die.


About an hour later Nick was asleep on your lap and you were still a bit in the clouds about Sara. as you're lost in a daydream about what happened an hour ago, with Sara Micah finally comes back.

"Dude! where the hell were you?" You yell, Micah flinches at your yelling while sitting down in front of you. "Im sorry im sorry!! I didn't mean to gone so long. I truely apologize." Micah pleads, "But oh my god Lynn you will never believe what I was doing."

"Yeah it better be good because you were gone for an hour." You rub your face ready to hear his stupid ass accuse and hopefully go home since its already 1:30 Am

"I made out with the hottest dude ever in the bathroom. He was tall...really fucking tall, He had white hair, and the prettiest fucking blue eyes. God lynn you seriously wouldnt get it" He groans. "So you leave us for almost 2 hours to makeout with some twink???" You slightly yell, "Ugh see I knew you wouldn't get it Lynn."

"Well did you at least get his name?" You ask "That's the worst part right before he was about to give me his number and name. Some dude in a black bun, and slight bangs walked in, yelling at him telling him we 'have to go, we have to go, we have to go.' Over and over again. Almost sounding scared? Maybe?"

"I think his friend called him I think."  Well at least Micah had an eventful night. "How about you? how wass your night?" Micah asks.

"I might have met the love of my life."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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