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I steadied myself to fight the trooping army of ninjas. With my weapon, the shadow sword in hand, I felt unstoppable and as I fought my way through the ninjas the darkness kept increasing each and as everything was about the black out......and boom.
It was a dream!!!!!!!!
I felt stupid after waking up from such a dream but I doubted I even knew the meaning but I looked around and found myself I was not too familiar with.
I heard voices of war not too far away from where I was and I could feel that people were approaching with weapons and about to attack me,  I was about to let out a scream when I found myself at the doors to college.
I looked around and found myself in a completely old and new environment and immediately managed to sweep all this under the carpet for a perfect new day to kill in college.
Although I shrugged off the feeling of being connected to something,
This was the third time this kind of thing happened, I think it's high time I found an answer to my recent trances

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