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THE GRAND HALL room of Pearl Hotel and Restaurant was adorned with a captivating color scheme, predominantly featuring two theme colors: a deep, rich blue and a luxurious gold. As Anne Marie stepped into the room, she couldn't help but cringe at the intensity of the blue hue. It seemed to swallow the light, creating an atmosphere that felt somewhat oppressive.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she pondered the design choice. Who decided on this color scheme, anyway? she thought to herself, unable to fathom the reasoning behind such a dark and overpowering shade of blue. It clashed withe elegant ambiance that the gold accents were trying to create, leaving her longing for a more inviting atmosphere.

The room was abuzz with loud party music, chatter and laughter, as guests mingled and caught up with old friends and classmates. Sebastian, who was walking closely behind her, was immediately greeted by a group of his former classmates, drawing his attention away from Anne Marie.

Feeling a twinge of loneliness, she found herself standing alone amidst the crowd, scanning the room in search of familiar faces. She longed to find her friends and immerse herself in their company, seeking solace in their presence amidst the sea of strangers. The noise of the room seemed to fade into the background as she focused on her quest to reunite with her companions, hoping to find comfort and familiarity in their embrace.

Feeling suffocated and increasingly annoyed by the crowd, Anne Marie reluctantly gave up her search for her high school classmates. Frustration etched across her face, she turned around, only to collide with someone's sold and broad chest, jolting her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry," she quickly apologized, her voice slightly muffled as she lowered her head in embarrassment, attempting to pass by the person she had bumped into. However, before she could make her escape, a firm grip on her arm halted her in her tracks.

Startled, Anne Marie looked up to see who had stopped her, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes widened in both surprise and recognition as she locked gazes with the familiar face before her. It had been five long years since she last saw him, but the memories flooded back as if no time had passed at all.

A bittersweet wave of emotions washed her over as she gazed upon the man she once believed would be the last love of her life. The man she thought she had left behind and forgotten. The man whose absence had left an inedible mark on her heart.

As their eyes met, a mixture of longing and regret filled the busy air. Anne Marie couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness for the love they had lost, for the dreams they had shared, and for the unfinished story they had left behind. It was a moment frozen in time, a collision of past and resent, and a reminder of complexities of the human heart.

"Annie," he called out, letting go of her arm. His voice cutting through the bustling crowd, Despite the noise, Anne Marie's ears perked up, instantly recognizing the familiar timbre of his deep voice. It resonated deeply within her, as if it carried a weight of emotions and memories that transcended the chaos around them.

With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to face him, ready to confront the emotions that had been buried for so long.

"Matthew!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a forced happiness as she plastered a smile on her face. "It's been... how many years?" she trailed off, her tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty. Damn, she cursed on her thoughts. Get it together, Anne Marie!

With a deliberate stride, she began to make her way towards the bustling buffet section, purposefully avoiding any physical or eye contact with him. The buffet section provided a convenient distraction, a temporary escape from the intensity of the moment. Anne Marie focused her attention on the array of delectable dishes and colorful alcoholic drinks, carefully selecting her choices while keeping a safe distance from Matthew. She busied herself with the task at hand, hoping to maintain a semblance of composure and avoid any further interaction.

A grin spread across Matthew's face as his gaze followed Anne Marie to the array for mouth-watering dishes. With his left hand casually tucked into his pocket and his right hand firmly clutching his glass of whiskey, he couldn't help but fixate on her, noticing the subtle changed that had occurred over the past five years. There was a mixture of familiarity and intrigue in his gaze as he took in the sight of her.

The passage of time had left its mark on Anne Marie, transforming her in subtle yet noticeable ways. Her once carefree demeanor seemed tinged with a hint of guardedness, as if she had weathered storms and emerged with a new-found strength. Her eyes held a depth that hadn't been there before, as if they carried the weight of experiences and emotions that had shaped her in ways he couldn't fully understand.

As Matthew continued to observe her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the woman she had become. The changes he saw only fueled his curiosities, igniting a desire to unravel the mysteries that lay beneath the surface. He wondered what stories she had to tell, what dreams she had pursued, and what challenged she had overcome.

Lost in his thoughts, Matthew realized that his staring had become more than just a passing glance. With a slight shake of his head, he tore his gaze away, realizing that his actions may have been too intense. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable or give way the depth of his interest just yet. Instead, he decided to approach her cautiously, allowing the conversation to unfold naturally and giving her the space to reveal the changes in her own time.

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