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Angela POV
I looked at my Hacker Phone then saw someone texting me "hi i'm Angela you are?"I text "hi i'm Scarlet but you can call me Snowflake"She said

"Okay so where do you live?"i text "why do you wanna know?"Someone said at my back
She was looking at me Death glaring

"Oh hi i'm...uhh?....Sam"I lied "You killed my sister your not Sam your Angela are you?"she said then pulled out a Knife "hah! Only a knife?"I said then the blade expanded

"Why are you killing people!?"she shouted at me "Because i'm a Cannibal okay?"i said backing up until i reach a dead end

"I'm gonna help you"She said then Took the sword or knife "what why?"i asked "i'm a cannibal too"She said then took of her jacket then i saw blood

"Okay so lets make you an app"I said "okay my name is Scarlet but you can call me Snowflake i ate Your worker Salamy"Snow said

"Its okay now lets go to ben"I said then we walked to the ware house
then we walked to ben "hey make her an app she's on my team"I said

"Okay whats your name?"ben asked Snow "my name is Snowflake"She said

"Okay so wait...then......lets...upload!"Ben said and clicked the button upload

"Okay here's the app"Ban said

(A/N okay so the app is my profile picture and in the game the Coins are snowflake and Snow is in the Skating rink asking you personal questions and tells you Fuck)

"Okay thanks"Snow said then took the Baby blue phone

Watch your mouth dear (talking angela horror story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant