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(Tony's POV)

"Stand still or he dies!" Ultron roared.

I had no idea where he got that blade from, but it was up against my throat. Loki paused to look at me; it was a good thing I still had my suit on. Apparently, that did not matter to the blade. It dug through my armor, and was pressed against my skin. A little droplet of blood fell down my suit.

"Fine, fine, just don't hurt him!" Loki breathed, holding his hands up.

"No don't!" I screamed, but I cut myself short the blade came closer.

"Let him go!" Loki readied his daggers.

"Hmm... I could be, inclined to let him go. For a price." Ultron sneered.

Loki looked down, was he actually pondering this?!

"What's your price?" His voice dangerously low.

"You for him." Ultron moved closer to Loki with me, "would you trade yourself for him?"

I tried to think about why Ultron wanted Loki over me, but my brain would not work right now.

Loki looked down, and hesitated before speaking, "fine, but I have a price too."

Ultron cackled, "and what might that be, Puny god?"

"You won't harm him, or any other Avenger." Loki smirked, casting a spell, "as long as I'm in your captivity."

"Yes, yes, yes, I accept your conditions." Ultron motioned for more of my robots to seize Loki.

I struggled, but the knife only inched closer, more of my blood came running down my suit. Ultron ordered my robots to fly off with him, but Ultron wanted him to see something first. Ultron swiped at my neck, it was a clean motion. But a green barrier stopped the knife from getting to me.

"No!" Ultron roared, approaching Loki, "take him away!"

My chance came, and I ran out the room. Taking off into the air, and giving Loki one last glance. He gave me a small smile, before being taken away. Ultron continued to send his robots at us, but they did nothing to us. Loki's spell worked wonders, none of us were hurt.

"Stark!" Thor came at me.

"Thor..." I tried, but he already seized me by my neck.

"What have you done with Loki?!" He threw me against the wall.

He looked at his hand, and upon seeing a bit of blood on his hand he gave me an interesting look.

"They took Loki, he gave himself up for me." I breathed, using the wall for support.

"Why would you do this Stark?" Thor growled at me, edging closer.

"It... Wasn't supposed to turn out this way." I looked down.

"Well it did, and what have you done? Nothing!" Thor roared at me.

"Thor..." Steve said in a warning tone.

I closed my eyes.

"D@mn it Stark! You fool! Can't you see what you've done?! You've done something like this before, but this is taking it too far Stark!" He berated me.

"Thor, enough!" Steve ordered, stepping in front of him.

"Captain of all things American, I suggest you move." Thor's tone meant business.

"YOU KNOW WHAT THOR?!" I shouted at him, he looked at me with a surprised look so did Steve. "I KNOW! OKAY?!"

"YOU LET YOUR PERSONAL FEELINGS CONTROL YOU!" Thor bellowed back, equally loud.

Steve restrained me, "BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!"

"YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!" I screamed back, struggling against Steve.

"LET ME GO!" I roared, but Steve held on.

"STARK, you're not thinking straight." He gasped.

I knew I could overpower him. I turned and punched him in the face, "LET. ME. GO!"

Steve fell on the ground in surprise; I instantly regretted my actions from the way he looked at me. I stormed off to my room, and slammed the door behind me. I smacked the nightstand and sat down on my bed with my head in my hands. I took my head away when I saw the small bit blood on the back of my hand, and knuckles.

(Steve's POV)

I staggered to my feet, and rubbed my nose. A trickle of blood was coming from it.

"Are you alright?" Natasha asked, helping me to my feet.

"I don't think I've seen Tony get that violent like that before." I breathed heavily, "Thor you weren't helping by egging him on."

"It was something he needed to hear." Thor walked away like nothing happened.

I thought about how Tony reacted to Thor's comments; especially the ones about Loki. Tony was clearly not thinking straight, he would not do that without good reason. Wait a minute!

"I'm going to go talk to Tony." I started towards the door.

"Is that such a good idea?" Bruce asked.

I smirked, "he wouldn't really hurt me. This is just a scratch."

I knocked on his door, "Tony? May I come in?"

There was a long pause, "come in..." a quiet voice returned.

I pushed the door open, closed the door behind me, and stood cross-armed next to it. Tony nodded to me in acknowledgment.

"What happened back there Tony?" I asked sincerely.

He got up, and walked so he was not facing me. He leaned against the wall.

"Tony?" I asked again, not moving.

"Pepper left me..." he whispered.

I sighed, and gave him a concerned look. That makes more sense, but there was something else on his mind.

"Are you alright?" I asked sincerely.

"Yeah..." he did not sound too convincing.

"But... is that everything?" I asked again, chancing a step closer.

He gave a deep sigh, "I won't be getting rid of you anytime soon I guess."

"Tony if you're hurting, I want to help." I told him.

I knew whatever this was, it had to do with his feelings for Loki.

What if...? FrostIron EditionWhere stories live. Discover now