A Mother And Daughter

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It's been a long day
She can't wait to get home
To see her daughter again

Driving through the rain
With a smile in her eyes
Imagining things to do together

Yet she walks into the flat
Their small, cozy home
And feels that something is not right

Her daughter hasn't rushed to her
To greet her mother
To welcome her home

And as the door is pushed open
To the teenager's room
A sight too devestating meets her eyes

Her beautiful girl on the floor
A rope around her neck

How a mother will weep and wail
When she loses one she held so close
Heart always full with survivor's guilt

"My precious angel, I loved you so.
Loved you with all my might.
Yet now you are ripped from my arms
In this stormy and chilly night.

Oh come back now my darling
I'll dry away the tears
I'll hush the whole jury
I'll scare away your fears

If only you'd known
How much you are to me
How much you have in life
How much you cannot see

Then you would know
That I love you dearly
And now you are gone

My daughter...my angel
I'll send you away peacefully
Shrouded in silk to comfort you

I'll braid your golden hair
Like I used to before
To make you pretty forever

Then I'll take your little coffin
Your new, cozy home
And dig a whole to fit it

And I'll place you in
And cover you up
And whisper some words of love

Then I'll walk away
From our picnic spot
Where you'll lie eternally

I'll visit you often
My sweet little girl
In the woods full of bluebells."

And her promise was full-filled
The deed was done
The girl was gone from sight

But all the mother thinks of now
Is that terrible storm
When she said goodnight

To all the people
Who live in a world
Where they fear their life isn't worth
The struggle, the tears

Live for your mother
Your father or brother
Your sister, your cousin
Whoever you will

Do it for someone
Who would cry while burying
Your small little coffin
In a wood full of bluebells.

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