chapter 4

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"what did I say love?" you heard a voice.

peter's voice


you froze. every muscle in your legs had stopped and tensed, you wanted to run. no you needed to, but there was this undeniable force drawing you to him. you hated this. everything that had happened just overnight, it was cruel. of course this boy didn't see it like that, it felt like he never would. you had no idea if your parents were ok or if something happened while you weren't there.

"why did you disobey me?" his voice sounded sad, hurt. almost as if he didn't want you to leave his mind too stubborn and faded to understand that this wasn't something that was normal to do. It clicked you knew who he was because of stories your parents would tell you of little boys flying off with this boy in green. peter is the boy in green. this wasn't just an island that was ironically  called neverland. It was neverland. did this mean tinkerbell is real too?

he grabbed your arm, inspecting it. inspecting you. "why did you run off? this island is dangerous you could've been hurt" he remarked looking at the scrapes down your limbs, his gaze careful and eerily caring. "..." you didn't reply nothing came to mind as you thought of a remark for this unconventional behaviour. "of course you have nothing to say, it's too dangerous to leave you in your own place for now " he says his tone was inviting "what" you ask your face actively looked confused "you will be with me all day and all night, you will not be out of my sight" he declared his voice steady as if he had wanted to say that for a number of nights. he let go of your arm.

no.  nonononononono. you ran, his voice ringing in your head. you couldn't live like that, not as long as you could walk. you ran back into the forest, it would be  a lot harder for him to find you if there were trees in the way. he took you, and worst of all. you let him.

"this is a nightmare" your thoughts now out loud, your feet stung as the rocks grazed your flesh when you ran in no thought out direction. He wouldn't let you go, he would never even think of something like that. the thought made your stomach sink and your head woozy but you pushed through, reminding yourself that if you stopped. he would find you. again.

you heard a horn in the distance behind you, the hunting horn. they were hunting you. you knew they couldn't hurt you but the thought was just as terrifying, you wished you had taken the advice from your friend to not leave your windows open when you slept. the cautionary tale of peter pan turned out to be true, so what else was there? does captain hook exist? what about tinkerbell? the lost boys must be true as well. wait does the tribe exist?

for a second you were considering getting help from one of them but they would just send you directly back to peter, they would think you were a prisoner, under his  command.

you were alone. no where to run to. no one to call. purely alone.

you stopped at a cliff, the lost boys had been chasing you for what felt like forever, the mermaids below looked as if they were excited to see a new victim in waiting, for them to eat. " stay there" you heard peter's voice, the concern lacing his every word.

"i don't want to be here, i want to go home" your face was whiter than normal, adrenaline kicking in as your heart pumped blood around your veins.

he stepped towards you his hand grabbing yours, pulling you towards his chest. you struggled you didn't want to be around him, especially like this. " calm down, please, your okay, it's okay no one is going to hurt you" he tries to reason as tears now streamed down your face. " i want to go home" you cry. "this is your home now" he says pulling your face towards his chest. you felt dizzy, your vision dotted until you could see nothing. 

a faint whisper came from him " sleep now, it's okay, I've got you"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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