Chapter Nineteen: Terms Pt.2

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Jay stared at his father, unsure what to feel at the moment. Everything was going crazy. The mind felt like a rollercoaster ride you just wanna get off so badly due to how high up and fast it was going. The two were unsure on what to say, but the silence was slowly broken as the boss took a deep breath.

"I know our family started off on the wrong foot, but we can fix that. Have a reunion with your mother and sister". His father spoke.

"Where's Zenji?". Jay asked.

"After he left for boarding school, he hasn't answered anything". He answered, the silence returned as Jay was silent. It seemed like everyone was gone or distanced themselves from everything that's happened, though the fear of something bad happening to him was arising slowly. He doubted it though as Zenji can take care of himself, that's what he learned to do by himself. He slowly realized something as it came to light. All that Jay has done or learned was by himself, was taught by him. Someone always had to walk his hands through it then let him go by himself to finish.

"Did you look for him?... Did you look for me?". He asked.

"No. I did not waste time for you and your brother,". His father responded and the feeling of being stabbed in the gut hit hard. The question of why was there but the answer was already stated.

"How was I a waste of time?". He asked again.

"You were gone, so there was no point in looking for you as the worst came to shove. He replied. "That choice did not please your mother and she left". Explaining these series of events was enough to make the stabbing in his gut increase more.

"Why do I even call you 'dad'?". Jay muttered that question.

"What was that?". He asked. The demon didn't respond and just remained silent through this whole thing, filled with so many emotions, though he really was just slowly hating this and wanted to go home so badly. He didn't want to deal with this anymore at all. His father on the other hand fell short on what to say to restart the conversation since it has been a long time and they were possibly still on bad terms. A heavy sigh was let out and it seems this short conversation was over. Jay turned around, about to leave when his head turned to face his dad.

"I don't know what terms we are on, I don't know what to call you now... but I'm sure some things we can move away from". He spoke softly, unsure of the words coming out of his mouth, his eyes filled with insincerity.

"Even so... I will still call you my son... even though I don't see you as one". His dad stated. "But you can stay here until the tournament starts".

"You know about that...?". He asked.

"I've been studying angels and demons for a long time,". He answered then went back to typing on his computer and getting entranced into his work. It never occurred to Jay that this was the reason why his dad wasn't bothered by his appearance and he wasn't surprised as their conversations were always cut short due to his father losing interest, and since nothing else needed to be done, the demon turned around and walked out of the office. As he walked through the huge hallways that were filled with silence or workers helping to keep this place clean and in tip top shape, they were either cleaning the dust off the windows, nearby tables, the floor with a vacuum or just doing rounds making sure all jobs were done.

Few of the workers looked at Jay with curiosity, staring at the horns and the tail protruding from his back, swaying as he took steps. The looks made him feel awkward, his right hand resting on his left arm, eyes darting around every angle. The familiarity of this place was gone. Now it feels like you are in a stranger's home, or you're visiting a home of a family member that you barely remember or heard of from your parents. It's like you're meeting them for the first time. To Jay though, he knows his dad, how he speaks, how he acts, how he looks. Especially when he's angry or disappointed. He knows the look in his eyes, eyes filled with anger, regret and need. The need he could never figure out. But all of that with the man he knows as his father, distance is the one thing he's good at. Walking through Ridge was walking towards him in the opposite direction, his eyes filled with anger.

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