4.Say it

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•I must say that I am no longer running test on the subject for she seems to have some type magic herself to which I have fallen victim.

Flowers: She likes the smell of roses but hates the flowers.

•Hair: The original color was black but it seems to changed to a shade of grey?
[Note to self learn what those colors from her world are called]

•Eyes: Changed from green to "yellow".

In the last six days of testing she seemed to have some type of sickness.

I feel dizzy and unbalanced every time I go to give her food I think she has caused my state to become like this and I've searched through thousands of portals and worlds to figure out what's happened.

I've even asked T,S and her husbands who are as hopeless as before they met T,S.

I feel so weak and I'm scared for the first time since I opened a portal and ran away.

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