Chapter 4: Surrender To Me

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Meanwhile, the Blue-Eyed Halargian doctors went up to Dr Hayley about the implants. "How are the implants?" Dr Hayley asked. "We tested them and they don't seem like typical Blue Halargian technology," Dr Vrahruts said, showing the extracted implant. "Vrahruts, that's because it isn't Blue Halargian technology, it seems like the red-eyed Halargians know how to make up their own technology," Dr Kaath said. "Guess that's what we get for not giving them our technology, and now their technology is infecting the Wild Boys," Dr Savvair said. "What? So you're telling me there are viruses in the implants?" Dr Hayley asked. "If I'm being specific, fungi," Khiqnai said, upon showing pictures of the microscopic findings of the implants. "Okay, we need to remove the implants quickly, I hope more doctors could arrive to help the Wild Boys," Dr O'Connor said.

The blue-eyed Halargian doctors nodded and scattered to find more doctors. "What happened, Anne?" Dr Mills asked. "The Wild Boys might be getting sick, the implants are infected," Dr Hayley said. "Let's just hope nothing happens to them as they recover," Dr Chen said. All the doctors agreed as they watched their blue-eyed Halargian counterparts try to remove the implants from the Wild Boys' necks. Meanwhile, Morten was getting ready for his operation to remove the implant. "Hi, I'm doctor Gralgod and you must be Morten Harket, right?" Dr Gralgod asked, taking out his clipboard. "Yes," Morten said. "Okay, so what I'm going to do is sedate you before removing the implant, is that okay?" Dr Gralgod asked. Morten nodded as the doctor placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

He then injected the sedative into Morten's arm before removing the implant. Meanwhile, Pål is being prepared to have his implant removed. "Hi, I'm doctor Phikax and you must be Pål Waaktaar, am I correct?" Dr Phikax asked, taking out his clipboard. "Yes but my name is pronounced 'Paul' not 'pal,'" Pål said, correcting the doctor. "Okay, so what I'm going to do is inject the sedative and then remove the implant, okay?" Dr Phikax asked. Pål nodded, allowing Dr Phikax to place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and inject the sedative in order to remove the implant. Meanwhile, Magne was preparing for his implant removal. "Hi, I'm doctor Ar'er and you must be Magne Furuholmen, right?" Dr Ar'er asked, taking out her clipboard. "Yes, that's me," Magne said.

"Okay Magne, so I'm going to inject you with the sedative and then remove the implant, is that understood?" Dr Ar'er asked. Magne nodded, allowing Dr Ar'er to do what she's supposed to do. She placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and injected the sedative into Magne's arm before removing the implant. Meanwhile, Hutch was getting ready for his operation. "Hi, I'm doctor Vraurcaels and you must be Michael Kelland John Hutchence, right?" Dr Vraurcels asked, taking out her clipboard. "Yes but you can call me Hutch," Hutch said. "Okay Hutch, so what I'm going to do is inject the sedative and remove the implant, is that understood?" Dr Vraurcels asked. "Just get it over with," Hutch said, allowing Dr Vraurceld to inject the sedative into his arm before removing the implant.

Meanwhile, Tim was getting ready for his implant removal. "Hi, I'm doctor Cak'ies and you must be Timothy William Farris, am I correct?" Dr Cak'ies asked, taking out her clipboard. "Yes, but you can call me Tim," Tim said. "Okay Tim, so what I'm going to do is inject the sedative into your veins and then remove your implant, is that okay?" Dr Cak'ies asked. Tim nodded, allowing the doctor to place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose before she injected the sedative. After that, Dr Cak'ies worked on removing the implant. Meanwhile, Kirk was getting ready for his operation. "Hi, I'm doctor Tehlur and you must be Kirk Pengilly, right?" Dr Tehlur asked, taking out her clipboard. "Yes, that's me," Kirk said. "Okay Kirk, so what I'm going to do is sedate you before removing the implant, is that okay with you?" Dr Tehlur asked.

Kirk nodded, allowing Dr Tehlur to place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and injected the sedative to remove the implant. Meanwhile, Garry is being prepared for his implant removal. "Hi, I'm doctor Drurgen and you must be Garry Willian Beers, am I correct?" Dr Drurgen asked, taking out his clipboard. "Yes, that's me," Garry said. "Okay Garry so what I'm going to do is sedate you before removing the implant, is that good?" Dr Drurgen asked. Garry nodded, allowing the doctor to place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose before injecting the sedative. He then began working on removing the implant. Meanwhile, Andrew (Farriss) is getting ready to get his implant removed. "Hi, I'm doctor Kreegoll and you must be Andrew Charles Farriss, am I correct?" Dr Kreegoll asked, taking out her clipboard.

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