𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | this is me trying.

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this is me trying.
- taylor swift


"BUT it's not fair," Thomas insisted, nearly yelling at the woman sitting across from him in the elegant-looking office.

"I understand your frustration, Thomas." Principal Paige reasoned, trying to calm down the boy.

Thomas looked off to the side, slightly annoyed, "Correct me if I'm wrong, Ms. Paige, but—I've done all my coursework, had straight A's, been a good student, volunteered, and tutored someone unwillingly—I don't know what else I could have done to win a scholarship. I did it once before,"

"You could have aced the test," Principal Paige answered for him, "But you didn't."

"You said you were going to base the winners off of both the final exam scores and overall student behavior throughout this past year." Thomas argued.

"I have very little control of what happens at the end of the day." Principal Paige reminded him.

"You're still on the fucking administration board," Thomas pointed out, "Gosh, you're literally the headmaster."

Principal Paige sighed, interlocking her hands together and placing them on her desk, leaning forward slightly, "I'm sorry, Thomas, but there's nothing I can do. If you'd just find a way to pay the tuition by the start of the new school year, you can still attend for your senior year."

Thomas hesitated to respond, before shaking his head and beginning to get out of his seat, "Whatever. Thank you for your time,"

"Of course." Principal Paige replied, watching as Thomas opened the door to her office, exiting.

"Not returning for another year here then, I suppose, Mr. Edison?" Vice Principal Janson said at the sight of Thomas appearing in his view.

"Fuck off," Thomas retorted, walking straight past the man without even so turning his head to look at him.


"You can find a job, or something," Minho suggested, trying to lift up Thomas' spirits.

Thomas' head spun to face Minho's, an expression of frustration pasted on, "Minho, tuition is nearly $30,000. $30,000! I won't be able to make all of that in a summer," He groaned, smashing his face into his hands as his elbows rested on his knees while he sat on his bed.

"Well—hey, Newt's on scholarship too, right? So he probably just found out if he got one for next year, and maybe... he didn't get in." Minho reasoned, trying to lift Thomas' mood up.

"No, he applied for a different scholarship, a Liberal Arts one, which the decisions came out earlier for. He already told me that he was accepted."

"Oh," Minho looked down at the ground, trying to think of any more possible solutions, "Well, you two can work it out. Just because you'll have to go back to the other end of the country, doesn't mean you guys can't continue what you've built already."

Thomas sighed, "It's not really our relationship, per say, that I'm worried about. It's more just Newt," Thomas fiddled his thumbs, "He's in such a better place right now than he was when I first met him. And I'm worried that if I leave..."

"... He'll revert back to his old ways." Minho finished off for him.


"Well, he has me, Fry, Teresa, and the others who will be here with him. You don't have to be afraid of that. I just don't want you and him to miss out on what could be such a wonderful relationship. And I worked really hard for you guys, too!" Minho replied, receiving a light chuckle out of Thomas, "Just promise me you guys will try out long distance."

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