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There will be a few page breaks in this chapter, going between the four girls and this is an extra long chapter. Please read to the end there is an important notice.

September 1973

In July of 1973 the band's first album 'Queen' was released, and then in August Queen was quick to jump straight back into the studio to produce their second album.

But on the 1st of September came a huge milestone for each of their daughters, their first day in reception at school.

To their dismay, the girls will not be going to the same primary school as originally planned, Lilliana and Alyssia will be together at one school while Amelia and Alice will be together at another. Roger and Alice have recently moved out of their shared flat with Brian and Alyssia, both girls were getting too big for that one small room and neither, Roger nor Brian's rooms were much bigger to swap with so Roger finally decided it was time to get his own place with Alice. He managed to find a ground floor with a garden.

They'll probably go to the same high school in the future, but they agreed it will do the girls good to have other friends besides each other which is why the four dads have asked the school to put them in separate classes, for the first year at least to give them the life skill of making friends.

The girls' first day were quite different from one another, "Dad, I'm ready," Alyssia races out of her room dressed smartly in her school uniform.

Brian looks up from reading the newspaper, his mug pauses halfway to his lips, he looks at the clock and then back at her, "We still have twenty minutes till we need to leave poppet."

The keen expression on her face drops to a pout, "But you said getting to school on time shows a willingness to learn."

Sipping his coffee to hide his laugh, he puts his paper down and waves her over lifting her onto his knee, "Being on time is one thing but there is no need to arrive at school twenty minutes early. I want you to do well at school, to listen and learn but even I know arriving that early is unnecessary. Now your toast before we go," He pulls a plate of toast closer to her, "Don't want you hungry at school."

She just nods and sits quietly in his lap eating her toast. Brian buries his nose in her hair holding her close.

With her going to school he knows she's going to start growing up quicker and he's not ready. He loves it when she sits in his lap and comes to her for cuddles and story time before bed, he'd give anything to keep her this young innocent little girl forever.

They still end up arriving at school early but only by ten minutes instead of twenty, Alyssia is excited for her first day and he can't blame her, she takes after him with her love for learning.

"I'll pick you up later," Brian stops outside the door to her classroom and crouches to her level, "Be good and listen to your teachers okay?"

"I will," She nods excitedly then throws her arms around his neck in a hug, "Bye," She lets go and goes inside to her teacher.

Looking around after Alyssia went in Brian spots John with Lilliana at the other classroom door, having a hard time getting his daughter to go in.


"You're very quiet," John helps Lilliana zip her coat up, "You already sweetpea?"

Eyes trained to the floor she shrugs giving no other answer, "Lily?" He encourages with a slight warning tone lifting her chin to meet her eyes.

"I don't want to go to school. Why can't I just stay with you?" Out of the four, Lilliana is definitely the shy one, almost worryingly so which is why John was the one to suggest that she and Alyssia be in separate classes, he hopes this works to break that shyness and bring her out of her shell.

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