The Weight of Insecurity

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Murtasim, the rich feudal lord and successful business man, sat in his study, a portrait of his wife, Meerab, hanging over the fireplace. She was a successful lawyer in her own right, and they had met during one of her high-profile cases. Their love had been the talk of the town, not just because of their different social standings but also because of their intelligence and charm. They had married soon after and had settled into a lavish life in their mansion in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Now, six months pregnant with their first child, Meerab's weight had increased significantly, and she felt insecure about herself. She was convinced that Murtasim no longer desired her and that he wasn't attracted to her anymore. The thought alone made her heart ache.

Meerab had been avoiding her husband, not wanting to confront him with her fears. Instead, she would spend her days locked in their room, reading or simply staring out of the window, lost in thought. Murtasim, on the other hand, was concerned about her behavior. He had noticed the distance between them and the way she would avoid him. He knew something was bothering her, but he didn't want to push her into talking about it before she was ready. He would often find himself staring at her portrait, wishing he could take away her pain and reassure her of his love.

Meanwhile, as the days passed, Meerab's insecurities only grew stronger. She couldn't shake the feeling that Murtasim was attracted to someone else, or that he regretted their marriage. The thought of losing him tore her apart inside, but she was too scared to voice her fears. She knew that if she did, she might be risking the very thing she cherished most - their love and their family.

One evening, as they were sitting together in the living room, Murtasim finally decided to broach the subject. "Meerab, my love, I've noticed that you've been distant lately. Is something troubling you? You know you can always talk to me, no matter what it is." His voice was gentle, yet firm, and his eyes never left hers as he waited for her to respond. Her heart raced, but she forced herself to meet his gaze, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Oh, nothing really, my dear. I'm just a bit tired, that's all. You know how it is when you're pregnant," she said, trying to convince herself as much as him. "But thank you for asking. It means a lot to me that you care." She reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Inside, she prayed that he wouldn't press her further, that he would believe her.

Murtasim studied her face for a moment, searching for any signs of deceit. He knew Meerab well enough to know that she wouldn't lie to him unless she really had to. And yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. He wished he could understand what was going through her mind, but for now, he would have to be content with the assurance she had given him. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, his fingers entwining with hers.

"All right, my love. If you ever do want to talk, I'm here for you. Now, why don't we go upstairs and retire for the evening? I'm sure you're tired too," he said, hoping that the words would ease her mind even if only slightly. She smiled weakly in return, but didn't argue as he helped her stand and led her up to their bedroom. As they climbed the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder when she would finally feel comfortable enough to share her true feelings with him.

That night, as Murtasim lay beside her in bed, he reached out and gently traced a circle on her abdomen, feeling the tiny kicks and flutters within. It was then that he realized how much he truly cherished her and their life together. He vowed to do whatever it took to make her feel loved and secure again. Even if it meant reassuring her every day for the rest of their lives.

Downstairs in the study, Murtasim's sister, Maryam, who had come over for dinner, sat by the fireplace, lost in thought. She could see the love between her brother and Meerab, and it pained her to know that something was troubling Meerab. Maryam had always been close to her sister-in-law, and she couldn't help but worry about her. As she sipped her tea, she made a silent vow to help them through whatever it was they were going through.

Meanwhile, Meerab lay awake in bed, her mind racing with thoughts and fears. She knew that she couldn't keep on like this; soon, the strain would be too much for both of them. With a deep breath, she summoned up the courage to confront her fears and finally confess to Murtasim what had been troubling her all along. As she slowly turned towards him in the darkness, she felt a mixture of terror and relief wash over her.

"Murtasim," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry. I've been feeling insecure about myself...about us. I was afraid that you didn't love me anymore, that you wanted someone else." Tears began to stream down her face as she struggled to find the words to express her fears.

Murtasim sat up sharply, shocked by her admission. "Meerab, my love," he said, taking her hand in his. "How could you ever think that? Of course I love you! You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, inside and out. And as for someone else...there could never be anyone else but you. You are my heart, my soul. I want nothing more than to make you happy and to build our life together." He kissed her tenderly, wiping away her tears.

As they held each other close, Meerab felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She knew now that she could trust Murtasim with her fears and her love. And with that knowledge, she fell asleep, secure in the knowledge that they would face whatever challenges came their way together.

Murtasim lay awake for a while longer, watching the shadows dance on the ceiling. He knew that the next day would bring its own set of problems, but for now, he was content just to hold his wife and bask in the warmth of their love. As he drifted off to sleep, he vowed to cherish her always, to be the husband she deserved and to make sure that their love remained strong, no matter what the world might throw at them.

The next morning, Murtasim woke early and went downstairs to the kitchen. He busied himself with preparing breakfast, humming softly as he worked. He had always been an early riser, but today he felt a new sense of purpose and determination. He would make today special for Meerab, a day filled with small gestures and kind words to remind her of how much he loved her and how much she meant to him.

As Meerab stirred and stretched in bed, she felt a newfound energy coursing through her. She smiled as she remembered the tender conversation they had shared last night, and she knew that she wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Murtasim, basking in the love and security they had found together.

Finally, she climbed out of bed and padded barefoot down the hallway. The aroma of coffee and freshly baked bread filled the air, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Murtasim looked up as she entered the kitchen and smiled warmly. "Good morning, my love," he said, gesturing to the table. "I hope you like what I've made."

Meerab went over to the table and saw a beautiful spread laid out before her: a steaming plate of eggs, toast, and fruit, along with a vase of fresh flowers and a note that simply said, "For my beautiful wife, with love." Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized how much he must have gone through last night as well. She went over and hugged him tightly, grateful for his patience and understanding.

They ate breakfast together, laughing and talking like old friends. And as they cleared the dishes away, Meerab leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I love you, Murtasim. Thank you for being you." And with that, she kissed him tenderly, sealing their newfound bond and promising to face whatever challenges came their way together.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter and shared experiences. They went for a walk in the park, hand in hand, admiring the autumn leaves as they danced in the wind. They visited a nearby art gallery, where they wandered arm in arm, stopping to admire the paintings and sculptures. And when they got home, they made love, their passion and connection undimmed by the fears of the previous days.

That night, as they lay in bed, Meerab turned to Murtasim and said, "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so glad I have you." And with that, they fell asleep, secure in the knowledge that their love would carry them through whatever life had in store for them.

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