this is the only chapter

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Kid Ritz laid on the couch in his dressing room, bouncing his legs and waiting to be called out for tonight's show to begin. Finally, after a few failed attempts, he had gotten the chance to interview the hottest group currently-Brozone.

He honestly felt as though he was a little too excited for it, but he honestly couldn't help it. It's such a cool opportunity, he thought. He's never interviewed such an old group, much less a group that happened to be trolls. Thinking of that for too long made him nervous, like-what if he offends them or something? He has quite a habit of speaking without thinking. Should he have studied up on troll culture beforehand? Oh, he really should stop worrying about that. He needs to think positively!

A knock was heard at his door, followed by his assistant peeking in.
"Mr. Ritz, one minute before airtime." They said, leaving just as quickly as they arrived.
Before they even shut the door, he sprang off the couch and hurried out the door, but not before he got one last look at himself in the mirror. He adjusted his beanie, practiced a charming smile, and gave himself two encouraging thumbs up. Once finished, he scurried out of his dressing room.


The show started with excellent smoothness. He introduced Brozone to the crowd, played their hottest song as they showed off their newest choreography, and congratulated them all as they sat down.
"Welcome to your first ever time being on The Bop on Top! It's amazing to have you guys here, and it's even more amazing that I'm getting the chance to interview you trolls!" He gushed. "Speaking of which, shoutout to our special guest in the crowd, Viva! Who's also a friend of Brozone!" The audience clapped as the camera pointed to Viva, who sat in the front row on some armrests. She waved awkwardly, and kind of fearfully, to the camera. Ritz and Brozone waved back.

"Cool girl, anyways!" He looked back to the brothers. "Like I said, really nice to have you guys here," Ritz paused. "Er, well...most of you!"

A few days before the interview, John Dory had reached out to him and said his brothers, Floyd and Branch, couldn't be there. Something about personal issues? He wasn't given full details, but he understood completely. Of course, Ritz was still disappointed about the news, but he wasn't going to cancel it just because he didn't have the full group here. He still had more than half of them, so it still works out!

John Dory just grunted at the mention of his currently absent brothers, while Bruce and Clay laughed nervously.
"Well, y'know, we can all be busy at times, I'm sure they would've come if they could." Bruce explained. Clay nodded approvingly.
"Right! So, I gotta ask the most important question first. What made you guys want to form a band again?" Feeling like he did or said something wrong, he tried his best to move the conversation.

"Ah! That's an easy one," John Dory started, now seeming more cheery. "it started with me going to my dear baby-"


The three brothers yelped and Kid Ritz jumped at the sudden sound. Most-if not all-of the audience were startled too. Everyone took a second to search for the source of the noise, and soon, everyone was looking down at a camera light that had fallen to the ground near the front row.

The cameraman pointed to the fallen light on the ground, and also caught a bit of Viva in there, who looked like she had just seen a ghost. Ritz turned to the brothers, who all bared a dumbstruck look.

"Oh-wow! Haha, um-let's get that cleaned up, please! Yeah?" He urged his crew to fix the mess, not wanting to ruin the interview, but no one seemed to pay attention to him. Everyone still looked a bit freaked out. Probably because they were all still focused on that stupid light. Or, they might be trying to focus on the siren going off in the distance. It was surely louder than his practically whispered request.

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