Chapter II

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Gaurav stepped on the scale, the cold metal creaking under his feet as the numbers fluctuated. He had weighed into the welterweight category and stepped aside to where the other competitors loitered. His sleep the night before was restless and short, his conversation with Mr. F and Mr. Eddie replaying in his head on an unending loop. The realization of what could be the end of his wrestling career rattled him, and he was no longer sure of what was best for him.

Gaurav had wanted to attend Billenwerg Wrestling School for as long as he could remember. When he was 8, he participated in his first wrestling competition and completely fell in love with the sport. Something about the combination of brute strength and complex strategies fascinated him, and he had made it a goal to go pro when he was able. Gaurav had been saving up money for a while now but was still incredibly far from enough money for even a year at the prestigious private school.

But according to Mr. F and Mr. Eddie that might not even be possible anymore.

After his class was determined it was time for him to gain the mass he initially lost. By dehydrating himself he could lose a few pounds in the morning but now he must work to gain it back before his match in a few hours. He refilled his water bottle and started to down it, wiping his mouth as he screwed the cap back on. Gaurav had changed into a patka since it was easier to manage while wrestling. He was well aware he was well past the age of wearing a patka but his turban was often too much of a hassle during a match. Gaurav reached into his pocket to check the time. 11:04. He winced as he clicked off his phone, thinking about the limited time he had to prepare. As he glanced up, out of the corner of his eye his teammate Valen stood among the other lightweights.
"Hey, Gaurav. Are you ready? You know we're relying on you to lead us to victory." Valen walked over to where Gaurav was standing in the corner and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.

"You know me. Do you have any protein bars on you? I'm trying to put on five pounds before 3:00." Gaurav rustled through his bag, searching for a snack but failed hopelessly.

"five pounds in four hours? That's pretty much impossible." Valen shook his head as he reached into his own backpack, pulling out a few Cliff bars. "Here's a few. Don't overdo it, you don't want to get sick. Good luck." Valen zipped up his pack and walked away, muttering "five pounds in four hours" as he scoffed, backpack slung across one arm.

Gaurav opened a bar and put an airpod in, disappearing in his music as he smacked.


"Gaurav Singh versus Imran Wibawa, welterweight, 3:00," the announcer spoke through a microphone as he announced the match.

Gaurav stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to the mat. He threw his pack against the wall as he took a deep breath, approaching his opponent. He sized Imran up, looking him up and down. He had a stocky build, but wasn't too tall, with dark curls and a fierce look on his face. The match began.

The tension was palpable as Gaurav and Imran circled each other on the mat. They grappled each other fiercely, each vying for control. Gaurav's determination shone through as he executed swift maneuvers, avoiding Imran's attempts to pin him to the mat. Imran suddenly lunged forward towards Gaurav's middle and he was taken to the ground, groaning as he worked to flip Imran back over. He hooked Imrans arm as he flipped him over, turning both the tables and his opponent. After a count of three the referee smacked down on the mat, signifying Gaurav's victory.

A grin spread across Gaurav's face as he sighed in relief, standing up and putting his arm out to help up his opponent. Imran took it gratefully as handshakes and 'good games' were exchanged.

He had 3 other matches throughout the day and was rather successful. Gaurav won the first fairly easily, but went into the next match on his high horse and lost. He put up a fight the next one and won, and the sting of victory lingered with him as he cheered on his teammates who had rounds late into the afternoon.

Gaurav packed up his backpack and tossed it over his shoulder, walking towards the bathroom as a last stop before heading towards the bus. After he relieved himself, he stepped to the sink and pressed the soap dispenser, a pink liquid spilling into his hands. He rubbed his hands together as a creak echoed through the restroom, a stall door opening and Mr. F walking out.

Gaurav turned on the sink and started to wash his hands as Mr. F approached the sink next to him.

"Hello, Gaurav. How did you do today?" Mr. F started a conversation to break the awkward silence that filled the space between them.

Gaurav shut off the water and turned to his teacher who was pumping soap into his own hands.

"Fine. Lost one, won two." Gaurav was now drying off his hands and reached for the door to leave when Mr. F spoke again.

"You're a great wrestler. You and I both know that. I just want you to at least consider our proposition."

"If I look at it will you stop pestering me?" Gaurav was annoyed now, rolling his eyes and cocking his head when he responded.

"We have a deal." Mr. F smirked in satisfaction as Gaurav walked out of the restroom.


Gaurav turned the knob of his apartment as the door creaked open, the sound of the television blaring from the living room. He crept into his bedroom and slowly closed the door, being careful not to make a sound. He threw himself on his bed, the blue comforter twisting as he rolled over to reach for his laptop.

In his inbox, he clicked on the email from Mr. Eddie and opened the link that was enclosed. He was sent to a familiar site, the one that was shown to him the day everything went haywire.

Time Corps, founded in 1973, have been providing opportunities for students who struggle academically for over 4 decades. During times in history where a bit of modern thinking was so desperately needed, we are able to fill that gap with physically exceptional teens from our day. With brand new cutting-edge technology, our organization both helps past and present teenagers face challenges with the assistance of ideals that have been lost in time (or not thought of yet.)

Each participant in this program will be assigned a war or conflict and will be brought back to their time once their mission has been completed. If proficiency is displayed, a cash amount of $65,000 will be given to the student. The amount may vary depending on your objectives and/or situation.

Gaurav's jaw dropped as he read the cash amount.

65 grand? Gaurav thought, shaking his head as he processed this new information. With that kind of money he could finally afford tuition for Billenwerg, and pursue his dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. He knew he couldn't turn down an offer like this, the stakes were simply too high.

Without a second thought, Gaurav opened a new draft in his email. He typed:

Dear Mr. F and Mr. Eddie,

I'll do it.


Gaurav Singh

(Word count: 1260)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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