(Chapter one) The start

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I was walking the halls around school, when then suddenly... "Yo! Ben!" Someone called out to me.  He had dark fluffy brown hair, green olive eyes, and I can admit, pretty handsome,  but don't get your hopes up for him.  "You think you could finish these for me?" He bummed my shoulder, handing me stapled papers what looked like for science class.  I stumbled a bit but picked them back up.  I sighed, "Is- Is this it? Jack you know this is like 7 papers? I can't do all these in one night!" Jack laughed, "Neither can I! Figured you'd know."
The look on his face was all- sadistic and sarcastic, but this is what I always do.  You see, since people found out I was gay, people have been- Well, bullying? Jack has to be the most annoying one.  But Kash? You don't ever talk to him, only HE talks to you. He's the one that does the physical stuff, and some emotional, but mainly physically, he'll hurt you.  You can't even look him into the eyes, if he catches you, you'll be in big trouble.  I don't know why he hates it so much though, maybe cause he's just a massive bellend, but who knows.  Jack looked into my eyes and ai stopped zoning out.  He grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear, "You better have it finished tomorrow..Or else I'll get Kash on your back, faggot." He walked off without another word, I kinda just stood there talking the papers he gave me, my books, and my backpack.  The word faggot echoed in my mind.  (Btw, Jack is basically Kash's lackey) As I was walking home, a couple blocks from my house, I realized the house on Red Wood Street was finally being bought after 8 years.  There was a guy who, looked to be my age.  He had blonde fluffy hair, freckles along his cheeks and nose, his jawline was sharp and ocean blue eyes you could get lost in with a mix of hazel.  He was- perfect..  I stopped on the sidewalk across from the house, him and his mom carrying boxes out of a Uhaul, he looked around and spotted me, we locked eyes for about 5 seconds, he was so- cute.  After we locked eyes his mom called out to him "Charlie! Where's the other box?" He immediately broke eye contact and looked embarrassed and quickly closed the door.  Charlie-?  Charlie must be his name...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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