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Everything is dark, like an endless void. I run, but I can't tell which direction I'm going, or how far I've gone. I see a pale, blue light, and run towards it, but it doesn't grow. Suddenly, the blue ember disappears, and I'm left alone again.

"Is anyone there?" I call out, frantic and frenzied. A muffled laughter can be heard, emanating from the void that envelops me.

"Please! Somebody? Anybody?!" I call out, desperate for a companion. The laughter grows louder.

"Hello?! Please! I don't wanna be alone!" I call again as the laughter grows suffocatingly loud.

"You'll never be one of them" a voice taunts.

"You should just give up now" another filters in.

"They'll never love you the way you need it" yet another snickers.

"No! Shut up! I can't take this!" I shout, covering my ear-like microphones on the sides of my head, though it does nothing to silence the growing voices.

"Nobody cares about you. You don't deserve it" the loudest voice lilts.

"Stop! Somebody help me! Please!" I cry out, falling to my knees.

I jolt awake, dripping cold sweat, shaking, and hyperventilating. I curl up into a ball and sob, realizing it was just another nightmare, though that does nothing to take the edge off the pain inflicted by it.

"It was just a dream, it was just a dream..." I repeat aloud to myself between sobs, rocking myself back and forth for comfort.

"Vox?" I hear a quiet and concerned voice from the doorway, and look up to see Valentino standing in the door jam, a muted light filtering into my room from the hallway. I look at him, tears still streaming down my face, at a loss for what to say.

"Another nightmare?" Val says softly, realizing what must've happened. This isn't our first encounter with my nightmares; We both know the strong effects these all too common occurrences have on me.

"Y-yeah..." I hiccup, trying to wipe my tears but to no avail. Val smiles softly and sidles up beside me, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Aww, baby...Don't worry, Val is here now." Val coos softly, gently rubbing my back. I relax at the comfort, calming my sobs to just small hiccups, my tears drying. I look up at Val, my expression pained, but grateful.

"Feeling better now?" Val smiles softly, wiping the ceased flow of tears off my screen. I nod slowly, looking down at the bed.

"Can you stay with me, please? I don't wanna be left alone right now." I say dejectedly, feeling tears ready to overflow once more and the shaking starting to return. Val smiles softly and lifts the covers, climbing underneath, gently laying me back down and holding me close to his chest.

"Anything to make you feel better, baby." Val coos softly, gently rubbing my back in a comforting way. I relax into him, gently nuzzling my face into his chest.

"Thanks Val." I say quietly, starting to feel myself grow extremely tired.

"No problem, Voxxy. I love you." Val says sweetly, holding me closer.

"I love you too, Val." I say softly, smiling a small, weak smile. We lay there in comfortable silence, until I feel Val's breaths grow slower, realizing he's already fallen asleep. My smile grows as I nuzzle even closer to him, feeling completely at peace in my lover's arms, drifting off to sleep as I forget my nightmare even happened at all in the comfort I now feel.

Nightmare [VoxVal Comfort Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now