Chapter 1

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The sunlight hit the hill at just the right angle to give the flower bed a golden glow. Gazing upon this majestic sight would convince anyone that there was no wrong in the world. The flower bed covered the top of a mountain that was far outside the human boarders, for this land was only meant to be seen by the strange magical creatures that lived there.

There were unicorns, and pegasus, fairies, and above all there were magical mages. The mages were cast out of the human villages centuries ago because they were seen as different and dangerous, so the mages set out to find a new land to live and happened across the magical mountain.

Every mage had a different type of magi, but the strongest magi was the elemental magi, earth, fire, wind, air, light, and darkness. Every now and then you would come across a special mage who was born with more than one type of magic; they were called specialists and were revered throughout the entire land.

It was peaceful on top of the magical mountain, the animals and the mages lived together in complete harmony. However, one day there was born a mage with darkness magic and he had found a way in which he could control the magical creatures and make them do his bidding. This mage had forced his magic into the creatures, corrupting them until the creatures had no free will of their own. He had done this to add to his power as his magic was not as powerful as many of his peers, he longed to be stronger and his desire lead him to commit these unforgivable deeds.

The magic community were outraged when they heard of what this mage had done, and he was banished from the mountain forever. The name of this mage was Vladimir, and he believed that he had done no wrong. To him it only seemed fair for the strong to rule over the weak, he had only put those creatures under his control to add to his power. Was it so bad to want strength enough to be seen as special, was it so bad to want to be called a genius and not be the same as the rest? When he left the mountain he decided to become the strongest mage there ever was, he would find other creatures to bend to his will. He told himself that when he accomplished this he would return to the mountain to assert his dominance, to show all that power was all that mattered. He would show them all his power, his talent, then he could rule over them all and snatch away anything he desired.

Many years passed from the time of Vladimir, the mountain was once again peaceful and the trust which had been broken by Vladimir's actions, between the mages and the magical creatures had been restored. They had made sure to keep tabs on Vladimir and discovered his preparation for his invasion of the mountain. It soon became too dangerous for anyone to follow him; this left the elders with a hard task of figuring out how to stop Vladimir. In preparation of Vladimir's return the mages had discovered something incredible, a mage had been born who had the ability to use all known magi. They called the mage Anastasia and gave her the title, supreme magician.

Anastasia, however, was not the only gem they had found, another child was found to have the ability to use all six of the elemental magi, he was called William. These two children were seen as miracles, gems sent to them in order to combat Vladimir. It was decided by the elders that these children were too precious to continue on as the other children their age. As soon as the children were two they were taken to a training facility where their magical talent would be cultivated so that they would be able to soar over the adversity they would face in their older years. Unfortunately, this meant that they were separated from their respective families, cruel but necessary for the survival of the mountain.

The two children grew up together not knowing anything of the outside world. Often they would stare out of windows wondering what life was like in the villages. The elders had assigned them many teachers whose specialties were not restricted to magic. Some were great mages, others historians, and agriculture specialists. There were teachers for just about any subject there was. However, learning about their surroundings was different from experiencing them; and the children often gazed out of windows imagining themselves exploring, playing, and even eating. They imagined anything they could, about the world outside of the training facility they had been raised in. As you might think teachers were no substitute for parents, and the lack of any other children resulted in great loneliness. As a result the two grew up relying heavily on each other's company.

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