|01| White Tulips

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Monday mornings always starts with Asmaa's routine. She wakes up, prays, dresses up, and drive to El-Dorado Fashion House, with a simple yet complex mission; To check on Hameed and ask him why he hasn't checked up on her all through the weekend.

Love, as Asma'u has always imagined is a feeling that restart the soul, the moment the eyes catches it's lover.That's the love she's always dreamed of. But wanting is not having right?, At least she says that to console herself.

Asma'u has been in a relationship that she assumes to be love with Abdulhameed. For seven years . Hameed's family and her's are literally one family. She grew up seeing Hameed at their house everyday. He was a member of her family. Their families would visit each other almost every other day. They've both gotten used to each other's company. It was during her prom party that she had asked Hameed to be her prom date because she couldn't accept any of her classmates and the rule says No siblings as dates. Hameed is her brother but not a blood brother which means he's qualified as a date right?.

Asma'u has never seen Hameed for anything other than a brother.But everything changed on that prom night where he asked her to be his girlfriend. As shocked as Asma'u was , she couldn't say no to him because after all, He is the ideal boyfriend. He's handsome,well respected, jovial,and above all, every girls crush. Asmaa said yes to what feels like a fairytale love story or what she imagined it to be.

By 9:00AM, Asma'u was already at the gate of  El- Dorado fashion house. She drove straight to the parking lot, parked her car, picked her bag on her right and a bouquet of white tulips on the left, walked into the building with her three inch heels that added to her five four inches, creating a sound that draws attention to her presence. Being the friendly person Asma'u is she greeted everyone that crossed her path with a smile, and hi, hello or assalamualaikum and walks straight to the door that had CEO boldly written at the top.

Gentle as always she opened the door and stepped in with a neutral face

" Assalamualaikum "she greeted.

Asma'u did not come with much expectation from Hameed but the least she expected was for him to have a deep frown upon seeing her.

" Can't you at least answer my Salam Hameed?"

He stood up from his desk and walked to the couch in the middle of the office signalling Asma'u to take a seat.

" What's with the silent treatment?"

" Are you seriously asking me that question after bagging into my office without a knock?"

" Okay…. Okay.... Calm down Hameed. I'm only here to check up on you not to make you angry.

" Then you should have at least called to ask if I'm not busy..

" Busy huh?"

" Yes I'm a busy man and you know that"

"too bussy to have a normal conversation with me koh? Its fine!

Asmaa stood up immediately and dropped the flower bouquet she was holding the whole time and walked towards the door . Just as she was about to hold the door knob, Hameed reached out to hold her hands but she was so fast to step back.

"Asmaa, you know I hate being interrupted while at work."

She responded with a head nod and turns to walk out of the office.

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