Suddenly : 1

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I had a sudden glitch and i lost my sleep .
When I started roaming around, there was nothing. I am only able to see a light . I had no idea where I woke up. Even when I looked at my bed, There was nothing.

"What to do?"

"Help me.. "

Light attracts me,

"Can I just ask you something , what is this light ?"

The shine of this light I never seen in my life.It calms me, fantasizes me , allows me to accept.

"You would probably say , i might be speaking  nonsense "

"Yea, i am speaking nonsense "

When I stepped one step into the light , I wasn't able to say anything but watch.


Then, i suddenly woke up in a street of a town. I don't know town where I got up.
There were different things happening around.

I thought I was still dreaming, so I went to sleep right away on the road where I woke up.

When I woke up , i thought i would get rid of the things I am experiencing.
So this time , I woke up calmly and asked for usual coffee from my mom for coffee by saying

"Mom, i had strange dreams so i need to fresh my mind with coffee. Would you please bring me coffee "

Even without opening eyes.

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