Exhaustion - Chapter 5 -

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I sat slumped in my seat, counting down the minutes until the bell signaled the end of the day. The final lesson seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each passing second feeling like an eternity of exhaustion weighing down on my shoulders. It was finally the last lesson. Today was exhausting.

As I heard my math teacher dismiss the class, I just straight away ran out the room. I had already packed everything away beforehand despite the teacher telling everyone not to. I wasted no time and I darted out of the classroom. My haste drew stares from my classmates, their curious gazes adding to the knot of nerves tightening in my stomach. I just hoped that nobody would mention it later, and started walking home.

As I walked home, each step felt heavier than the last, my fatigue dragging me down like an anchor. At last, I saw that front door again. I mean, I hadn't seen it for a few hours already. I was very tired. So tired, that I could probably go to sleep. I'm surprised I made it through the day with that kind of energy.

I fumbled for my keys and inserted them into the lock, the familiar click of the door opening a welcome respite from the chaos of the day. I walked in, took my key and threw my things on the floor. I looked in front of me and I realised my mother in the kitchen looking straight at me. I assumed that she was checking who had walked in, but I was so tired that I didn't want to start a conversation. If I started a talk with her, I don't think I would've made it. My mother is that type of person to start long conversations for no reason, and I was going to try my best to stop that from happening.

I walked up the stairs to my room after hearing my mother shout, "Hi darling!"
I ignored her and trudged up the stairs to my room. I made sure not to stop to do anything. My cat nearly tripped me up, but I felt so dead that I didn't even react. My palms touched the door handle and twisted it, opening it. The creak of my bedroom door echoed through the quiet house as I entered. I threw myself on the bed, exclaiming a sigh of relief as I felt the warm fabric touch my skin. Sooner or later, my eyes closed and I fell asleep. I didn't even know when I did, I just knew that it was nearly instantly.

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