Chapter 1

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Parker was at Stone Harbor beach with nothing on his mind. It was a normal Tuesday to him, but how wrong he would be. As he saw something lurking from the water, his curiosity was largely increasing by the minute. Parker who was on vacation for the week after a hard year of high school, and just wanted to have some fun for the last week of summer. When he heard people screaming towards the sea and felt a chill go down his spine now knowing something bad could happen to these innocent people. He felt something in his mind snap as if he had known this was going to happen in advance. People screamed out for help and Parker felt numb inside from the pain, knowing he couldn't do anything to help the people who couldn't help themselves. As his stomach filled with guilt and the screaming of others, he had to leave immediately or he could be caught in the middle of the conflict.

Back from Stone Harbor

His friends pondered why Parker was always so sad after going on a trip. Parker never spoke about how the trip was for fear that his friends and family would be jeopardized. The reason he hasn't told his friends the reason why he hasn't told the horrifying things he has seen. His friends pester him to tell them about his stories and give details about them, this makes Parker anger build up inside of his body

" Come on tell us we're you're best friends and yet you don't have the ability to tell us about what is stopping you and why it is affecting you from telling us," David said.

"Listen. It's a complicated problem for me to explain and it has affected me negatively," Parker replied

"Just! Tell us!" James angrily exclaimed.

"Always pester me all the time like little dogs?" Parker seriously question.

"Well I wouldn't say we are dependent, but we will sometimes ask you for simple things," Tom replied.

"See this is why I just cannot trust you with this kind of information!" Parker shouted, "So go back to your little game and leave me alone!"

Parker who hadn't felt the same just wanted alone time and was still devastated about the people's deaths and that if he could he would have tried to help. The only problem with that is whenever he goes to a beach a mythical creature called the Leviathan that hunts him down and has a particular taste for the blood of humans. Parker is the only one that has seen the Leviathan and has survived the massacres. Unfortunately for Parker now he is being hunted down by the Leviathan for escaping most of his traps. Parker also has tons of wealth from his father who is a business owner of a famous company which is why Parker continues to go to the beach the day the massacres occurred in front of him that fateful day in October.

His parents wanted to talk to him about his concerning behavior of the past few months and Parker just told them they were bluffing.When Parker got to his room he saw his phone was on his bedside like it was sitting there all week. Parker thought nothing of this and just walked this off. While asleep he heard this voice in his head that kept whispering something and every time Parker kept ignoring it would get louder telling him to walk outside and leave his whole life behind and desert the United States and New Jersey. Also He said Parker shouldn't leave any trail of where he will go.

" Gah! This stupid voice is so annoying!"
" Leave now you will soon understand my reasons..."

After this Parker left his room and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and what he saw shocked him down to his core. He saw blood reflected in his mirror and the leviathan staring at him with evil intentions

"Hello Parker... We meet again"

" I thought you didn't know where I lived"

" Funny how some of your closest allies can betray you for measly money"

" No-This can't be happening! I thought I had left you behind in stone harbor"

" Do you think a person like you who isn't very popular cannot just runaway from your life problems? You're a pathetic loser in life!"

After that Parker runs to the basement to hide he is in total shock that he isn't able to process what has just happened to him. He decides to hide out in the basement until morning for hope that the leviathan won't be able to find him. He starts to question his friends at school because they never cared and were easily bribed by the money.

"You'll never get me I have my ways of escaping your horrifying grasps"

" Why do you think I hate you? Take an honest guess"

" I won't allow you to be able to get inside my head and mess with me"

" But I know where you live and I will get to you sometime when you last expect it" The leviathan was always able to get what he wanted.

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