Chapter 2

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A while after that terrifying encounter Parker walked on highway 95 while cars were driving by and some stopped to to check on the 16 year old Parker. His girlfriend called him just to check on him in which he didn't answer her call because he was already having a horrible and terrifying day. This was now his life he though to himself just having to run for his whole life. A little while later he called his girlfriend

" Where are you? Are you okay because I'm always here for you, know that because I will treat you that way."

"I know but I currently can't talk I don't want to jeopardize you and my location. Believe me when I can I'll come back to you and we can live a nice life."

Parker in a frantic rush of adrenaline shocked and terrified didn't trust anyone or anything.He broke through the sharp trees while tears ran down his face. He stopped walking for the night and set down gazing up at the stars in amazement still he couldn't shake the though of his one enemy that wouldn't leave him alone.

His mind churned through what he could do in this stupid jungle and he was inexperienced in how to survive in the freezing cold that was part of New Jersey. He heard a voice that was not familiar once he talked back he heard the persons name CJ or as he told me Connor. I had to explain to him that I had nothing short of a crazy life that was considerably a nightmare for anyone who dared to think that life was easy. Except I had begun to accept the fact that maybe my life wasn't going to get better.

"Why are you so hopeless about this I mean think about the other people who have crazy life's. Yours isn't any different from the others and there's no point in comparing it like it's some sort of lurking monster." Connor told Peter

"Listen if you knew what hell I have to live in you'd feel bad for me"
While trudging through the woods they both knew that they had to keep an eye and ear out for anything suspicious. It didn't seem right to be here if only the leviathan had decided to leave me alone.

We trekked for miles through swamps and damp and cold forest, it seemed like me and CJ had a common enemy. We reached a small town and immediately I looked for a newspaper for any news that would be useful to keep us ahead of the leviathan.

I saw a headline that shocked me

Boat Wreckage found near the coast of Babolonga and many concerned. The snow on the ground was something that was unexpected and confusing.

Yet he didn't mind these little things as he realized that his friend was truly there to help him through these hard times and that he just had to wait until the right time to execute his plan to destroy his enemy and that he just had to be patient. In the middle of the night Parker heard a noise that sounded loud and angry but soft and quiet at the same time. It made his mind go into a fast frenzy, he had no idea how to handle the situation and considering he had left without telling his parents because he knew that if he went back he would be in so much trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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