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Skylar-6 pov

The next day, I woke up to an empty space next to me. Already missing my mommy's warm hugs, I walked downstairs. It's a sunny May here in Nashville, meaning that school will be over soon. Most kids will be excited, but I'm more nervous. This just means that there's a bigger chance for mommy to move away, so I can adjust to my new life, but without the help of school and going through life's motion, I won't be able to numb my pain at all, and there's nothing I can do about it.

When I went to the kitchen, my heart sank. My parents were sitting opposite of each other rather than next to each other, which is how they usually sat. They faces were stern and it said it all: your life will forever be changed, little girl.

"Sky come here" daddy gave me a reassuring smile, "We have something to tell you".

This is really bad. Your parents breaking up IS very bad.

Seeing that I gave no response, "Mommy slowly continued," how do you think of going on an adventure with daddy and coming back after a year?"

Great. It's even worse than I imagined. Instead of mommy moving away, me and daddy will move away, which means that I'm going to leave all my friends and the memories i made with them here. On the other hand, a lot of these memories also contains mommy. So if I stay here, I'll get haunted by them for the rest of my life.

"No" I whisper-screamed, "I'm not going to leave here for some 'random adventure'".

"Come on sky, it'll be fun" daddy tried to convince me.

"So it's only an adventure and we will be back with mommy after a year?" I asked.

"I-" my parents' faced dropped, as they realized that I knew what's going on, "we'll see" Daddy managed.

"Fine, then" there is no point in arguing anymore. Most kids my age will start throwing fits. But according to many people, I'm wise beyond my years, so I knew that at the end of the day, nothing will change. Plus, the hesitation in daddy's voice is crystal clear, so maybe the 'we'll see' will turn into 'I miss your mommy so much, so I'm getting back with her'. Although the chances of this is very, very slim, I still decided to remain hopeful. Plus, grief presents itself in stages. Right now, I'm at the stage of denial.

Daddy, surprised at how easily I fell into his trap of white lies, breathed out a relieved "Ok then". He definitely expected me to cause a scene.

"Make sure to help us pack all your luggage, since this is going to be a long trip" Mommy added. And you're not going back. We both knew that mommy left out that part. I'm not sure if I hear relieve or pain in her voice. Maybe a bit of both.

I nodded and went upstairs to me and mommy's bedroom. This is one of the last days that it will be my room.

As I tried to get everything I wanted for this separation, the same way as if this is just a normal family vacation, I thought to myself: maybe it means something.  Maybe you were destined to move elsewhere, so that something greater will happen. Maybe in this new place, possibly london, the grass will be greener than the ones here in Nashville. You should look forward to it.

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