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Zapella picks up the cut chicken with her fork and puts it into her mouth tasting the fresh spices and juice of the chicken. Bonestine picks up his glass of wine and takes a few sips while Knuckles does the same with his whiskey. Katherine pats the sides of her mouth before clearing her throat grabbing Zapella's and Bonestine's attention. "Zapella, Bonestine I'm not sure if Ivy contacted you about this or not but we are going to be attending the spring formal in Sarasaland." Katherine said. "I believe it'll be fun to fully get out off the island for a couple of days don't you think?" Katherine smiled. "Yeah it would just one question." Zapella said. "And what's that sweetheart" Knuckles said. "Are they going to have escorts for me there too?" She asked coldly and her parents sighed. "Thought so..." she said and gets up then leaves the dining room. "So my fucking daughter..." knuckles huffed. "Have you guys gotten word about Eros?" Bonestine asked. "Last we were told he tried to attack his brother after his parents removed him as heir to the throne from his behavior and fled." Knuckles explained. "Great..." Bonestine looks down.

Two days later

"Zapella you need to quit being so mad at your parents and Bones" Ivy said sternly as they sat in her room at her castle. "I guess I'm just tired of the escorts ya know..." zapella said stirring her tea. "Well I wish Zane thought of that when I was dealing with that werewolf stalker." Emma said handing Zapella a jelly star. "True....." she takes a bite as her friends look at her. "Well tomorrow it's all fun and we are going shopping just us girls today no escorts sound good?" Ivy said and Zapella smiled. "Yes" she said and finished her tea before the three got ready.
"Youve be doing the right thing Knux I just wished me Zane and Amy thought of that with Emma." Sonic said as they sat in the grand living room. "I know just....god she just hates us." Knuckles huffs. "I just wish I could go and find this asshole and bring him down myself." Bonestine growled. "You know we're not allowing that Bonestine because he'll kill you before he gets to her." Shadow said sternly. "Still dad!" Bonestine snaps. "I just hate that I can't do anything" he finished. "Well for now I want you both to relax I got my guards on alert for Eros or anything suspicious." Luigi said. "Here ya go boys." They look up and see Daisy with Blaze carrying in trays of snacks and drinks. "By the way the girls are going out shopping for the formal tomorrow. They will be sticking together but I'm sending Dee just in case." Daisy said. "Thanks Daisy" Knuckles said. "Of course Knux." "Now enjoy and if you need anything we will be in the spa room" Blaze said and the two leave. "I have a feeling Ivy gonna be pissed with that..." Ash said and drinks a soda. "I can see it now" Zane agreed.

Hours later

"THAT WAS SO UNCOOL MOM!" Ivy yelled once they returned. "I'm sorry Ivy but given the—" "I DONT CARE NOW ZAPELLA ISNT HAPPY WITH ME BECAUSE I PROMISED HER JUST UGH!!!!" Ivy storms off and Emma follows. "Ok maybe that was a mistake to ask you to do that Daisy..." Katherine said. "Don't blame yourself Kat you're only looking out for her and so am i." Daisy said and Katherine nods before she leaves to talk to her daughter. As she walks down the hall she spots Zapella with one of the maids with her. "Mitzi I would like to speak to my daughter alone please." She said waking up and the maid bows before leaving. "What do you want mom?" Zapella growled. "For starters I want to apologize. I was the one who asked Daisy to have someone with you girls. Ivy had no idea of this so if you want to be mad at someone be mad at me." Katherine said. "Mom I was with my friends and we didn't need one why would you do that?" Zapella asked clearly not happy. "Because I was thinking about my baby's safety. I don't want to loose my daughter again." Katherine said as she tears up and Zapella looks down remembering how painful her death was on her parents. "Just please mom don't do it again without our knowledge next time. It was more like you didn't trust my friends than anything." She said. "I promise sweetheart" Katherine said and zapella hugs her mother. "I love you mom" she said. "I love you too baby girl." She replied. "Can you walk with me so I can talk to Ivy and Emma?" Zapella asked and Katherine nods. "Of course and I will explain and apologize to them." Katherine said.
Later on that night after Katherine clears the issue with everyone and dinner went smoothly Zapella lays in bed staring at the ceiling. Her eyes admiring the painted ceiling that makes it look like the stars in the ceiling were moving relaxing her. She looks over at Bonestine who was sleeping peacefully by her before she gets out of bed. The silky sleeves of her robe brush on her arms as she puts it on and walks to the double window doors. A blast of warm air hits her face once she opens the doors and steps onto the balcony then leans over the stone railing. Yet unknown to her glowing green eyes was admiring her from a distance and Eros smiled seeing her eyes shine in the moonlight.

"By tomorrow night my desert flower you will be mine~"

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