Lando norris - a quite day

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Lando Norris and YN found themselves at a secret log cabin , the snow shimmering under the foggy sky . They cuddled in a warm cozy bed, legs wrapped around each-other sharing a comfortable silence as they watched the snowflakes fall down the window

"It's so peaceful here," YN remarked, leaning against Lando's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite spots," Lando replied, wrapping an arm around YN's waist.

They sat there for a while, the only sound being the gentle breathing of them both cuddled up .Eventually, YN turned to Lando with a soft smile. "Thank you for bringing me here. It's perfect."

Lando's heart swelled with affection as he gazed into YN's eyes. "I'm just glad I get to share it with you."

As the last of snow fell from the sky in hues of white they knew that this moment, this simple yet profound connection they shared, was something they would cherish forever. And as they whispered words of love and promises for the future, they knew that together, they could conquer anything that came their way.

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