The Nightmare That Became A Dream

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Welcome to the home of the Jones' , on the outside it's the perfect home. A perfectly preserved garden, rife with beautiful flowers. A stunning home. And within it seemed to be the perfect American family,

A happily married couple, Jago and Jada Jones

Two brilliant children, Sean and Andre,

A dog, Lola

And two fish, Sammy and Stacey

It was a lovely home. Some would say, it was perfect.

From the outside perspective it was a...


But within this home there were secrets, secrets kept from the world. Secrets of abuse, secrets of fear, secrets that no one dare tell.

And on the inside it was a true nightmare.

Jago Jones, he was a brilliant man in the eyes of most. He worked as a construction worker. He went to work everyday, and he worked hard, he acted well, and he seemed like a top guy. If you were to ask anyone that knew him I'm sure they would speak excellently of him.

But when those doors closed, when he entered his home. He was different, he was angry, he was...


And this anger and violence was often taken out on Jada Jones. They were once a lovely couple. They were once infatuated with one another. But now that love had been lost, their infatuation, vanished.

It was a relationship that survived on fear of leaving. Jada was too scared to leave him, and relied on his too much for his income.

So they were stuck, stuck in an abusive marriage that they couldn't escape.

And the fallout of that was the horrible effect on their too young children.

Sean (7)
Andre (5)

Sean and Andre witnessed this a lot. Their father insulting their mum , shouting at their mum , physically assaulting their mum.

And they couldn't do anything to stop it, they were too scared to tell anyone. And too physically inferior to stop him themselves.

They too were stuck.

This household was destroyed, the family hanging on by a thread, their mental health obliterated. The children were too young to really understand, but they knew what they were seeing.

The Jones' world was in disarray.

It was truly and inescapable nightmare.

All until one day.

One event.

One story in fact.

It all changed.

And it all changed, on Halloween.

I'm going to take you through exactly what happened, how it happened, and what it led to.

To do so, I will be taking us back to Sean's school.

Welcome to Sunbridge Primary School,
the best school in North Carolina. It is perfect. The best teachers in the country and a massive building to accompany them. Even the students were 'perfect'.

It's built on a bridge and the glass invites the sun. Hence the name, Sunbridge. And it is where this whole story begins...

The day was Monday the 11th of September, it was scorching hot, 34 degrees Celsius to be specific, and the heat was unbearable. The sun shone through the glass walls and windows of Sunbridge High causing unimaginable heat. The heat in the school that day was probably close to around 100 degrees Celsius.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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