Entire Summary of Part 2:

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Yeah erm I'm not gonna rewrite this but to offer some solace to readers who came this far and were sorely disappointed, here's what happens next. If you're new, read what @almostfullnerd wrote in the story they discontinued. The story starts off from right there. 

Keefe is actually worried about Sophie and is the only one out of the Selected who looks for her and he finds her crying in her room. She tells him to go away but he sits next to her and just hugs her. He peels back his funny side and shows a deeper, more serious side and Sophie's in awe. She ends up telling him the truth about her past and while he's shocked, he reveals his awful home life as well. Sophie feels a burning hatred for Keefe's parents and doesn't really understand why. She's still trying to figure out her feelings when Keefe realizes how late it is and leaves. 

The next day, they go back to the palace and she sees Keefe in a different way. However, she has to do a mandatory interview with Fitz. Fitz apologizes again but Sophie tells him he's lost his chance when he didn't even check on her or his own sister after everything that happened. He angrily tries kissing her but Sophie shoves him away. Sophie goes back and makes an announcement angrily of who she's eliminating. She eliminates Fitz and when she sees him alone, she smirks and tells him to find another girl. Keefe comes up and sees what happened to Fitz and checks on him. Fitz realizes his mistake and feels like a piece of crap, but Keefe comforts him. Days pass and Sophie and Fitz finally reconcile through Biana although Sophie loses trust in him and he loses some respect from all his friends. (I don't hate Fitz and I don't think he should be hated as much as he is by everyone. He's a good friend in the series even though he made some mistakes, which everyone did. But, I played up the assholeness in this because it matches with the original plot line)

The last few people are eliminated in the upcoming days and only Keefe, Tam and 3 others remain. Sophie takes a liking to Keefe a bit more and they have a heartfelt conversation about expectations put on them by their families. Sophie and Keefe feel like they're floating after the conversation, free of burdens.  He kisses her on the cheek and she goes to bed that night feeling great. However, the next morning Grady and Edaline talk to her about Keefe's past, as they just discovered how Lord Cassius was convicted of fraud, and tell her that while she has a choice still, they suggest that she chooses Tam or one of the other boys who she talked to less. Sophie is outraged because parents don't influence who you are and storms off to the garden. 

She is found by one of the boys, Alvin and they share a moment together on a bench. Sophie doesn't tell him anything that Grady and Edaline told her but the convo cheers her up, even though she feels Alvin is a bit stiff. They hug and Sophie feels slightly conflicted. In the evening, she makes her choice on her final 2 candidates and announces that the last 2 in the selection shall be Keefe and Alvin, although Tam will stay in the palace, training to use his Shade abilities to protect the palace as a knight. 

Keefe immediately doesn't like Alvin very much and is very wary of him after the top 2 are selected. Sophie on the other hand spends more and more time with both of them. However, she seems to have more heartfelt and meaningful moments with Keefe rather than with Alvin which were purely romantic and sweet. 

One day, Alvin takes her out in the evening spontaneously and they walk outside palace walls together. Sophie is eager because she hasn't been outside those walls in so long, but suddenly, she blacks out. When she wakes up again, Fintan is holding her hostage. 

She tries to teleport out but Fintan burns her. Alvin reveals himself as Fintan's son and that he was never supposed to be a part of the Selection. When Fintan turns his back however, Alvin softens and tells her that he always thought she was beautiful and that if she joins the Neverseen, they could be together and her life and kingdom would be spared. She's disgusted and tells him she'd rather die. He looks disappointed but his face hardens and he tells her she can suffer then but he'll be back.

 Meanwhile in the Kingdom, everyone is panicking because they believe that Alvin and Sophie have been kidnapped. Keefe is especially panicked and realizes how much he actually loves Sophie. He also is very suspicious of Alvin, so he requests Grady and Edaline's permission to go undercover in the Lost Cities to find her. The monarchs desperately agree. Ro insists on going with him as well. He dresses himself in peasant clothes and leaps back home to get his weapons.

 He overhears a conversation between Ruy and Gisela and in horror realizes his mother's place in the Neverseen. When Gisela is about to leap away, Keefe grabs her and they spiral into a hideout. They fight each other until Keefe pins Gisela down and she finally sees that her attacker is her son. She's shocked but Keefe knocks her out before she can respond. He goes out looking for Sophie in the hideouts, gets to the dungeons and finds her but before he can come out, Alvin appears. He asks her one last time creepily if she'll join for him and she spits on him. Keefe holds back laughter as he sees Sophie's fiesty side but immediately becomes protective when he sees Alvin shove her.

 Before Alvin can do anything else, Keefe tackles him and knocks him out as well. Keefe lifts Sophie up bridal style and they both blush despite the circumstances. Sophie's in pain but she insists on teleporting because it's most stable. They teleport into the healing center and scare the crap out of Elwin. Keefe stays with Sophie in the healing center throughout her recovery and she realizes their deep connection. They kiss for the first time and feel sparks. Realizing that they're soulmates, it is announced that Keefe will be the new prince of the Lost Cities. There is cheering and rejoice throughout the land. 

YAYYYYYY! I know it isn't that good, but I hope you're happy that you get an ending!

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