✰forbidden zone✰

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

mentions: drug additcion and abuse

" jj That bread had mold on it three days ago"

 "I'll just pull off the bad parts. Plus, mold is good for you.It's just a natural organism."

"whatever you say jj" 

john b opens the envelope thing and finds a map with an x on it

"x makes the spot" "wait hold on theres something else" john b pulls out a tape recorder "what's that" i slapped jj on the back of his head "a tape recorder dumbass jb play it" "im doing that" 

" Dear bird and babygirl" "whos bird and babygirl"  "that what our dad used to call us"

I hate to say, "I told you so,"but I told you so. And you doubted your old man.  I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathingover our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expectto find the Merchant either. You were probably right to call me out. Wasn't exactly Father of the Decade.  What can I say, kid?I could smell the barn. And hopefully, we're listenin' to this  in our brand new sugar-shackdown in Costa Rica,  livin' off passive investmentsand pulling on permits.  if not, and you find thisfor less than optimal reasons, well, that's what the map is for.  There she is, the wreck of the Merchant. If somethin' happens to me,finish what I started.  Go for the gold, kids. Babygirl i know how hard you've been struggling with the death of your mother but i promise you things will get better especially with the gold and i know you don't think i know but i know about the drug addiction and I hoping john b can pull you out of it because i can sense it getting worse. Its hurting me seeing you like this baby. I know when we last saw each other it was on really bad terms because u were dealing with your withdraw  but i just want you to know that i always be there with you even if i'm not physical there yall need to rely on each other help each other through tough times a lastly finish what i started Babygirl bird i love yall even if i didn't always act like it i got to go see you on the other side." 

the messaged ended i wasnt looking at anyone but the table and the tape recorder. I was i dont even know what i was feeling angry for my dad just putting me on blast in front of our friends or sad at that fact that i even thought about going back to that lifestyle when it hurt him. John b got up a held onto the wall while i just stood there not knowing what to make up with the sitution tears threating my eyes. I could feel jjs eyes straight on me popes too kie was too busy trying to comfort john b. I didnt say anything a ran to my room and close the door behind me letting it all out 

the tears the angry the hurt everything. I thought all this time that my dad hated me i went stir crazy with the drugs i was on and i never got the chance to appolized to him. I know that fight was all my fault and now i don't wanna take drugs i just wanna say sorry to him john b i mean i must have been a bitch but they never locked me out. I was sitting on my bed for about 5 mintues before i heard a knock on my door expecting john b but seeing a differnt face at the door

"hey.." it was jj i was suprised to say the least jj has rarely seen me cry unless it from an injury but full on tears spilling out of my eyes hes never seen it almost scared me to even let him in because what if he made fun of me i mean were supposed to be enenmies but im starting to think i never wanted to be enemies with him i just wanted him to be mine

"hey uh so what brings you here" i laugh a little even though i know why he's here he closed the door and come over to my bed "uh can i sit" pointing towards the bed "yea yea of course" i scouted over so he would have room we stayed in silence for bit not an award silence but a comforting one "i- uh i didnt know you were struggling with a drug addiction i mean i should have known the mood swings you randomly starting to be mean to me to everyone partying sleeping around that just wasnt't you. Now knowing you were going though all that i should have done something i should have tried harder im sorry" hearing jj saying he's sorry hit really deep for some reason he shouldn't even be apologizing i pushed him away because i was so scared of becoming like his dad. 

"jj you have nothing to be sorry for i should be apologizing to you for pushing you away and pretending like everything is okay. The truth is i was scared that i would hurt you wether it was physically or mentally i don't know. I was hurting john b and my dad so much and i didnt even realize i mean hell i even hit john b because he wouldn't give me any of my drugs back. I was actively going downhill then using a knife to cope with the no drugs was even worse and i couldn't let you get in the middle of that so i made you hate me no matter how much i wanted you to like or be with me i wanted you to hurt me because i thought i deserved it at the time for the shit i put everyone through and i thought that if we became enemies the feeling would go away but it never did" i look up at his face and he was crying aswell. 

"jj ive had feelings for you for i dont even know how long but my brother and the rules which i dont even think he cares about anymore stopped me and because you were always sleeping with people i just started to thinking that would take the feelings away still didn't work but when we were "enemies" the feeling was still there and everytime you complemented kie i was jealous because i knew that you would never see my that way. For the longest time i just wanted you to see me the way you see other girls." i didn't look back up at jj because i was scared of what he was gonna say was he gonna just laugh at me say that he would never like me in that way 

"claira to be honset i thought you would never like me like me i mean i come from a broken home life and i just thought in all honestly you dersevered better" i looked up at him and he looked at me "claira.." he grabbed my face and kissed me and i kissed back. it felt like time stopped and i was in heaven or dreaming or something like i would wake up soon and this will all be a dream. we pulled apart and i just in shock like i couldn't speak "speakless i see" he laugh a little looking at me smirking a little bit i playfully push him on his shoulder "whatever" we get up and he hugs me which catches me off guard i hug him back and he kisses my head we stay like this for a while not wanted to let go of each other 

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i just wanted to hold her forever after everythings she's been through and knowing that she actually likes me back brings me so much joy that we fell the same i wanted to tell her i loved her but that seemed to early to say

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i just wanted to hold her forever after everythings she's been through and knowing that she actually likes me back brings me so much joy that we fell the same i wanted to tell her i loved her but that seemed to early to say. "claira uh would u like to be my girlfriend" "of course i would" i smiled at her and her hazel eyes and kissed her again this time deeper and next thing i know we on her bed with her on top me and my shirt off i flip her over and start to take off her shirt and she stops me "i-im uh i dont think im ready yet i this to be different than anyone else" "ok thats okay we can take this slow" "thank you jj i mean really" "of course" i kiss her again and we just hold each other and end up falling asleep in each others arms 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

1518 words

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