Chapter 5: Chocolate Fiend

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The rest of the day passes surprisingly quickly, probably because Chara kept messing with me. She found it funny to do things that got a reaction when no one else could see her, which caused a few weird looks. At least one of us was finding a way to entertain themselves. The last two classes of the day were boring and repetitive as it was all first day things, like going over what we'd learn in the classes, as if anyone ever cared to listen to those.

My mind wandered back to Papyrus and Undyne, trying to bring out my SOUL. Maybe it's somehow got some sort of protection against being brought out by someone else. I wonder if I could try to bring it out. I wonder if Chara would help teach me magic. She is clearly capable, if that wall of knives she summoned to block the Gaster Blaster was any sign.

Frisk could also help, but something tells me I should give her some space before bugging her for something else. Asking Sans is out of the question, too, considering I think he'll be pissed off for the next century. I'll start by asking Chara later.

The bell for the end of the day rings, and I make my way out of the school. Alphys should have answers if there's any to find by tomorrow when I go to her class for Magic History.


On the way home, Chara floats alongside me, observing her surroundings. She was adjusting well for someone who was underground for a long time. As we walked, I got the feeling I was being watched. It obviously wasn't Chara, considering she wasn't even paying much attention to me.

I turn my head to look around, trying to see if something is off. Then I spotted him. It was a monster, one I had seen around the local bakery before. Except he looked different, almost as if all color had been drained from him. He was entirely monochromatic. Even from this distance, I could see the air around him was off, too. He was standing a fair distance away, far enough that I couldn't make out any facial features.

He looked to be holding something. It seemed to be constantly shifting in his hands. When I saw it turn into what looked like a face, I quickly looked away and blinked before looking back, but the guy was gone. There was no trace he was even there.

My mind must be playing tricks on me. No one can disappear thst fast. Although, one thing I can say for certain is that something was different now. I couldn't place my finger on it. It was just a feeling.

Eh, I'm sure I'm just overreacting. Maybe I'll take a nap when we get back. On second thought, I remember what happened when I took a nap around Chara, so maybe not.


We arrived home not long later, and I shook off the incident. I'm sure it was nothing. Chara started to float off to her room almost immediately as I set my stuff down.

"Hey, Chara, before you disappear, do you think you could teach me some magic?" I ask, curious. She seemed to be just as good at magic as Frisk, from what I've seen at least.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. You should probably just wait until your classes teach you. Besides, we don't know your SOUL trait yet, so there's not much I could teach you." Chara responds, turning to look at me.

I shrug and respond. "Yeah, but school sucks. They'll teach us to use magic safely." I joke, earning a small chuckle.

"Fine, I don't have much better to do anyway. C'mon, we shouldn't try it in here. You'd break something. The backyard will do just fine." Chara relents, with a small smile.

I smile in return and follow her into the backyard. The backyard wasn't particularly special, it's only defining feature is a path to the forest that was behind the house.

Chara stops right in the middle of the backyard. "Here is good. Now, magic comes second nature to most humans, with varying degrees of strength, but this is normally due to their SOUL. Since we can not bring yours out, this may not even work at all, but start by holding your hand out." Chara explains, turning to me. I follow her instructions.

"Now, focus on an object. The simpler it is, the easier it is to make. You want to focus all of your energy into making that object." She continues, holding her own hand out, and a red knife materializes in it.

I nod and close my eyes. I wasn't quite sure how to 'focus my energy', but I got a feeling as I thought about the object I wanted to make and ran with it. I felt my hand get heavier, as if something was placed in it, so I opened my eyes.

In my hand was a perfect imitation of one of Chara's knives, the object I wanted to create. "Really?" Chara says, looking to me as I smile, somewhat goofing at me success.

"You said simple. Knives are simple." I reply, looking from the knife to her. "Most people go for a ball, or something more normal, not a magic knife." Chara says. I could tell she was trying not to laugh, just from the smile she was fighting.

"Now what?" I ask, still smiling, happy from my success. "Well, since this isn't SOUL magic, there isn't really anything you can do with it. For all intents and purposes, it's a normal knife." Chara explains. I shrug. I was hoping it'd be able to do something cool, but just being able to summon it out of nothing was pretty cool, so I'll take it.

"To dispel it, simply imagine it fading away. As you might guess, magic is incredibly mental." Chara continues. I grip the knife and once more close my eyes, focusing on a mental image of the knife fading. The weight lifts, and the knife was gone. It was just that simple.

"And that's how you summon magic. I'm going to steal some chocolate now, as my payment for helping you." Chara says, floating back towards the house. I quickly catch up and follow her inside.

"You haven't eaten it all yet?" I ask, jokingly. She floats over to the cabinet and touches down softly to search one of the lower cabinets for the chocolate.

As I start to walk away, I hear her talking to herself. "No, no, I thought there was some right here. I remember there being some right here." She says to herself before standing up and quickly floating over in front of me.

"Y/N. Did you move the chocolate?" She asks, very seriously, which makes me let out a small chuckle. "Nope, you must have eaten it." I respond, stopping in place. "We must get more. It's vitally important." She says, still incredibly serious. "It's still early in the afternoon, I'll head to the store to get some. I do owe you for teaching me magic." I respond, chuckling again.

"I didn't really help that much... I mean, it's pretty simple." She responds. "Don't undersell yourself. It still helped that it was you who taught me." I reply, smiling. She looks away as a very faint blush appears on her cheeks, before quickly making herself invisible, which confused me a bit, but I shrugged it off.

"I'll be back soon." I say as I walk over to the door, grabbing a few things such as my wallet on my way. I knew she heard me, although she was probably already in her room.


A little while later, I arrived back home. The trip to the store was uneventful. I wasn't sure what kind of chocolate Chara liked, so I grabbed a bunch of different kinds. She didn't seem to particularly care before, but if she had a favorite, then it'd make picking it out easier in the future.

"Chara, I'm back with the chocolate." I call out, kicking my shoes off as I enter and putting the plastic bag full of said candy on the counter.

Pretty much as soon as the bag hit the counter and left my hand, Chara appeared and immediately started looking through the selection. "Ooo, you got a bunch of the good ones!" She says like a small child looking over their Halloween haul. She grabs a few and pockets them. "Maybe you're not so bad for a human." She says, flashing a smile before floating back off to her room.

I laugh a little bit at her odd behavior and go about my usual business for the night with a small smile on my face. That was the nicest thing she had said to me.


(Sorry for the long wait. I got busy and wasn't sure what I wanted to write for this chapter. Hope you enjoy, and as always, any feedback is welcome!)

Golden Flowers (Female Chara X Male Reader) [On Break]Where stories live. Discover now