Whispers in the Moonlight

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The next evening, the air hung heavy with anticipation. The aunts, curious and brimming with scepticism, exchanged glances as they prepared for the night. The decision was made. Aunt Margaret, the boldest among them, declared, "I'll be the one to sleep on the verandah tonight. Let's see what all this fuss is about."

As dusk settled into darkness, Aunt Margaret made her way to the verandah, armed with a blanket and a sense of adventure. The moon cast a silvery glow, illuminating the space around her. She settled into the rocking chair, trying to conceal the nervous excitement that tingled through her veins.

The night was eerily quiet, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl. Aunt Margaret, though courageous, couldn't shake off the feeling that unseen eyes were watching. The verandah creaked softly, as if the wooden boards were whispering secrets.

As the clock struck midnight, a gentle breeze picked up, and the leaves on the ancient gum trees rustled in unison. Aunt Margaret's heart quickened, and she strained her ears to catch any unusual sound. It was then that she heard it—a faint, haunting melody carried by the wind. The notes seemed to dance on the moonlit night, weaving a mysterious tale.

Aunt Margaret, captivated by the ethereal music, felt a strange calm wash over her. The verandah, once a mere extension of the house, now felt like a gateway to another realm. She closed her eyes and allowed the melody to embrace her, transporting her to a place where time seemed to stand still.

Unbeknownst to her, the man on the verandah materialised once again. His figure, bathed in moonlight, appeared at the edge of her vision. Aunt Margaret, sensing his presence, opened her eyes to meet his gaze. There, in the silent communion between the living and the spectral, understanding passed.

The man's eyes held a story, one etched with longing and a hint of sorrow. Aunt Margaret, with a compassionate smile, whispered, "Rest easy. Your secret is safe with us."

With those words, the man on the verandah nodded, the moonlight casting a gentle glow on his ephemeral form. The haunting melody faded, and Aunt Margaret felt a serene warmth envelop her. She spent the rest of the night on the verandah, wrapped in a blanket of understanding and connection with a soul from another time.

In the morning, as the aunts gathered for breakfast, Aunt Margaret shared her experience. The verandah, once a place of mystery, had become a bridge between two worlds—a space where the living and the departed could meet under the watchful gaze of the moon. The aunts, touched by the encounter, decided to keep the secret, preserving the magic of the man on the verandah for generations to come.

word count: 458

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