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I continue to cry as i take a big sip of vodka, my mascara smeared, my hair tied up messily and my nose bright red.
I miss mason, i haven't left my room in about 2 days, my brother has been trying to talk to me but i just ignore whatever he has to say. I can't believe mason, how could he be so stupid!, knocks are heard on my door as someone speaks up.
"Layla, i'll be back in about an hour or so, i need you to be out this room and talk to me please, you're my little sister and i love you and care for you so much so please layla."My brother, Matt said.
I take a deep breath as i finally let out my first word.
"Okay, i love you too Matt"

As I close the front door behind me i quickly and angrily walk towards the Freeland house. Once i get there i knock on the door to see Mel with an upset looking face.
"Hey matthew.."she says opening the door wider
"hey mel..is mason home?"I ask
"yea he's been in his room, come on in.
I can't seem to get him out of his room so uhm goodluck okay"Mel says letting me in as I stomp towards Masons room.

I'm laying in bed staring at the polaroid picture of Layla and there are tear streaks stained on my face.
Loud pounding is on my door and i yell thinking it's my mother.
"Go away mom!!"
The pounding continues on as i get up to open the door
"I said go away!-"I cut off as Matt storms into my room and stands in the middle of it with his arms crossed and and angry look.
I close the door and gulp as i look at him, i sit down on my bed as he faces me sitting on my chair at my desk.
"What the fuck is your problem, Freeland."He says as he cups his face with his palms

"I don't need this shit man ok leave me alone"
"No! you need to understand that you've hurt her over something that one of your stupid little fucking friends lied about!"He said

"Matt i'm sorry man i just...i don't know man i feel so stupid. I miss her i really do...we never dated, we rarely talked but there's some part in me that feels like we did and that this whole thing is a breakup."I confess
"I can't get her out of her fucking room Mason. The only time she comes out her room is to grab big bottles of my mothers alcohol which she finishes in less than an hour. You have never been so stupid Freeland"He said rest is arms on his knees
"Yeah i've heard that i am...I don't understand what this feeling that i feel is, I care for how she's feeling and i feel so bad, I cannot face her i cant look her in the face after what Rafa told me but I want to apologize to her but i just can't Matt, i can't face her after hurting her so badly."I say

"She's destroyed Mason...you destroyed her. I'm disappointed in you."
My heart broke even more at that. I don't even want to imagine her crying and drinking so much just because of me, because I cannot believe myself. I can't handle the fact I hurt her so much over something that wasn't true.

"Deny it all you want. You kissed her and told her sweet things! Only to ignore her and be mad at her over the dumbest fucking thing!! You let jealousy take over you, and if Rafa was really your friend he should've known better, and as for Layla she said she was intoxicated and wasn't thinking right and she said that while she was doing what she was doing she was honestly thinking about you ya know in both ways."
He glares at me and all I can do is stare at him. Frozen in place as my nose starts getting runny and my eyes form tears, I grab a pre roll from my nightstand and light it inhaling the poison.

"And I think i might know what feelings you might be feeling Mason, you might be in denial for what i'm about to say and might be early to tell but...i think you feel guilt..and maybe you're in love with my sister."He said
and that's when my heart sank and my eyes started to burn with more tears.
I let out quiet cries and covered my face with my hands, as i did so i felt the bed sink next to me and feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't say that! don't say that stupid word, i am not in love with her!"I say

"You need to talk to her Mason." He says
"I cant Mathew, how will I be able to look at her in the eye after what I've accused her of?" I ran my hands over my face again, feeling overwhelmed by multiple emotions again.

"I don't know what to do Matt..."
I say as i try to talk through the lump in my throat, his hand tightened on my shoulder as i continued to cry
"Figure out your feelings first...then after we'll see what we could do alright." He encourages me and I nod at him, taking a drag of my forgotten preroll which was now almost out.
I put out the blunt and i sniffle trying to calm myself down.
Matt stands up from my bed as he speaks up
"Okay well...figure everything out alright i'll see you later Freeland"He said walking out my door as i quickly close it and sink into my bed crying and thinking about what he was sayin, the sentence repeating in my head.

"maybe you're in love with my sister"

"maybe you're in love with my sister"

"maybe you're in love with my sister"

"maybe you're in love with my sister"

continuing to echo through my mind.


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