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"Get out here and never show your two pitiful and pretentious faces in front of me! It actually disgusts me!" A woman's voice could be heard shouting and two people a boy and a girl could be seen hugging each other.

The girl who is older was patting his brothers back to reassure him everything was going to be alright and he doesn't have to be scared.

"We will leave and never return here, since our mother's death this place has never been our home but a house full of pain and horror!" Xiao Li who never stopped hugging his brother Xiao zhan answered, looked at the man she should call dad who was seated and not saying anything and it looks like whatever was happening in front of him doesn't concern him in any way.

Xiao Li sighed and held her brother's hand and the two left the house, walking for a few minutes she stopped and placed down the bag that had her clothes together with her brothers and faced his brother who was silently crying.

Lifting Xiao Zhan's face the two looked at each other, Xiao Li gently wiped his brother's face which was covered in tears with her dress sleeves and lovingly patted her brother's hair.

"Don't cry anymore, sister has saved enough money we can rent a house and you can also go to school."

Xiao zhan shook his head and said.

"Sister I don't want to go to school, mother said someone as stupid as me will never be good enough."

"That's nonsense my brother is the best and smartest, your going to be successful and good and everyone will be proud of you."

Xiao Li who will never let her brother be discouraged because of her step mother's words retorted, her mother was depressed after giving birth to her little brother xiao zhan after she came to know of her husband's infidelity, her mother came to know the husband she loves and respected actually has other kids outside one of them is actually the same age as her first born and now the mistress is giving birth the same time she was giving birth.

How could her mother take such a blow and ended up commiting suicide when xiao zhan was only two years old, her depression ate her up and she just let depression swallow her up, xiao zhan has minor autism, depression and bi polar disorder, he was diagnosed after our mother's death.

The young xiao zhan watched his mother die in front of him, at that time Xiao zhan never knew his mother was actually dead and lied down in his mother's arms who slowly bled to her death, he was found hugging the cold body while trembling because of fear and at the same time cold.

Xiao zhan is very scared especially when he sees blood, the scene of red everywhere when his mother died traumatized him, although xiao zhan doesn't remember much but everytime he sees blood he gets triggered.

Xiao zhan doesn't know how to interact with others well and is afraid, the only person he opens up to is his sister Xiao Li and no one else, he always hides whenever he sees strangers or people who tries to approach him.

Xiao Li is already twenty years old this year and she started doing different part time jobs to take care of her brother when she was just fourteen years old, she needs to make sure her brother eats well, gets her medicine which are very expensive and also see a psychiatrist.

Mr Xiao since her wife's death he completely ignored the two children of his main wife and never cared how much the kids suffered in the hands of so called 'new mother' and all his attention was on the new woman of the house and three children who bullies Xiao zhan whenever Xiao Li isn't around.

How can Xiao zhan who was only young at that time fight for himself when a woman he should call mother and a young man he should call a brother bullies him, forces him to act like a dog, bark like a dog and sleep in a cage so that he could be able to eat the little food he will be given because at that time his sister wasn't around to protect him.

Growing up in such an environment how can Xiao zhan grow up like a normal child, family members who saw the fearful and timid Xiao zhan despise him and the 'new mother' together with the so called 'father' always says it must be because Xiao zhan mother who had mental illiness passed it to her own two children that's why they act so abnormally, and now the only normal children are the three children of the 'new wife'

Xiao zhan is now sixteen years old, he looks clean and even if the clothes he wears old clothes, they're well washed and ironed, he looks presentable, you can tell that he is well taken care of.

Xiao Li led his brother who was holding her hands tightly because they're a lot of people walking going there own way and doing they're own things, even if they didn't talk to them or approach them Xiao zhan was feeling very uncomfortable and you could see his shoulders trembling, his head lowered.

"Brother don't be scared we will arrive at our new home soon."

Five minutes later they left the busy street and arrived at a quiet alley and xiao zhan finally calmed down, going to the old one room  apartment they rented, Xiao zhan felt more safe and was no longer very scared.

"Sister I also want to help you, I can't let you work alone and take care of me all the time, the doctor said I need to interact with others more frequently." Xiao zhan said while looking at his sister with crystal clear eyes, he is scared but he needs to help his sister, he is no longer young and can't let his sister take care of him all the time.

"My good brother you don't have to force yourself, your sister is still strong and is able to take care of you."

Xiao Li will never let his brother suffer, she is ready to work and take care of his brother, her mother before she died she always reminds her of taking good care of her young brother, love her brother and never abandon him, now she knows the only real and true family she has is her brother and she swore to always protect Xiao zhan and never let anything happen to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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