~I was so young when I behaved 25~

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(I love this song and this chapter is based of the song) 11yo emira pov (bc the Blight siblings ovb needs truma at a young age)

It was a loud scream of crying in pain down stairs and a sob besides me "its okey" I wisperd to him but only more sobs came out I warped my arms around him and he took his arms around my body. I could hear more faint yelling and feelt myself tearing up.

But right now I needed to comfort Edric "I dont want mittens to get hurt" he said in a shaking voice. After a while we noticed how it was quiet "we should check on her and se how shes doing" I said to Edric he let out a quiet "yeah" we went of the bed to our door and down the long hall to her room.

We nocked on her door but whit no answer "mittens?" Edric called for her trough the door but still didnt get an answer so we deceted to open it we saw her on the bed whit her blanket covering her only seeing the top her head whit her closed eyes "amity" was the only thing I said before walking up to her edric besides me. We went on her bed but she only pulled the blanked over her head seeing how she curled into her self uder the blanked I put my hand on her over the blanked I feelt how she flinched and I heard a hicup coming from her. "Can I take of the blanked?" I asked her but it still was  no answer.

But finally I saw a small hand pull of the ched so you could se her red teary eyes I took of the blanked from her Shoulders I could se her brused face "oh amity" I said puling her into a hug edric taking her hand. Tears feel down her face "i'm sorry" she sobed "theres nothing to be sorry about mittens" edric said, but she just let out more sobs "C'mon lets just clean up those wounds" I told her she answerd whit a small "okey"

We stod up from the bed and went to the bathroom to fix amitys inures

(VDHSHSJ IDK WHAT TO WRITE this wasnt to much angst as I wanted it to be but I gotta come up whit a good idea first)

Sad amity blight :[.  //the owl house//Where stories live. Discover now