No Cop Situation Chapter 6 / 11

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PLEASE NOTE: Warning for non-con in this chapter, but it is mostly off the page and written in a very vague way. If you need to skip this chapter you should still be able to understand what happened from the next one.

When I mentioned in the opening notes of this fic that it had a midsection that was like a horror film, this is the chapter I was talking about, so please note that this chapter features a lot of blood and violence. Thank you.


Johnny stopped.

Fighting against the ropes was useless. Those knots were tied with the skill acquired over a dozen kills.

He had to think. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, even though his heart was pounding in his chest.

He looked around the room. There were no windows and no sources of external light of any kind. The room didn't even look like a real room and there was no way it would pass any kind of building inspection, as the ceiling seemed to be propped up with metal struts that dotted the room at regular intervals.

Kreese couldn't have taken him out of the dojo. If he'd been seen carrying an unconscious boy into the street and placing him in a car it would have aroused suspicions, and he was too smart for that.

"Oh fuck," Johnny whispered to himself, as he suddenly realised where he was.

He was under the dojo. Kreese had excavated a basement beneath it, and from the shoddy state of the walls it looked like he'd done it himself, without any kind of contractor or construction workers.

No one outside of this room even knew it existed.

No one was going to save him. Johnny was on his own.

There was a sound behind him. The creaking of stairs as Kreese walked down them.

"Let me go," Johnny begged. "Please, just let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about this."

Kreese looked at Johnny, his eyes travelling the full length of his body.

"It's too late for that, Mr. Lawrence," Kreese said, as he moved over to the wall and picked up the Sais.

"It's not," Johnny said. "Please, you don't have to do this. If you untie me I won't go anywhere. We can just go back upstairs and do the lesson."

"This is your final lesson, Johnny," Kreese said, as he put the Sais on a rickety metal trolley and pushed it over so it was next to the table.

Kreese stood over Johnny with a look of admiration on his face. He reached out, gently running his fingers over Johnny's chest, then up to his hair.

"You're perfect," he said, "You're everything I've been searching for. I couldn't believe it when you walked through those doors."

"Then why do this?" Johnny asked. "If you've been searching for someone like me, then why are you doing this? You have me. Why kill me?"

"Because that's the best part," Kreese said lowly. "It's all been leading up to this, Mr. Lawrence. It's finally time."

Kreese picked up the Sai, lovingly running his fingers across the shiny steel, caressing it with a tenderness that Johnny had never realised those hands could possess.

"Please," Johnny begged again, as tears ran down the sides of his face. "Please let me go."

"You can scream if you want. No one will hear you," Kreese said, as he looked back at Johnny. He grinned, and said, "It'll just make it better for me if you do, because I like that. I like that."

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