:SFW: "My Little Voxxy~"

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(Third Person)

Valentino was laying in his bed, curled up in the sheets. His robe and the rest of his clothing lay discarded on the floor amongst Vox's suit and bowtie, along with the other bits and pieces of his outfit. Vox, however, was sat upright in the bed, scrolling on Voxtagram. His feed was constantly full of Velvette's posts. It's like she doesn't sleep.

Vox looked over at the sleeping moth and smiled. He appreciated moments like this, as he did truly love Valentino - however they'd always get caught up in stupid petty arguments and one of them would always break up. They were both even more petty that they'd never let themselves apologise, and wait for the other to come crawling back to them.

Vox sighs, knowing that they'll breakup again soon, maybe even this morning. Make it their fourth breakup this week. He continues scrolling, his thumb pausing on a certain post made by the Princess of Hell herself, Charlotte Morningstar. It was a sweet post, her wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, Vaggie. It was their third anniversary together.

Vox stared at that post for a while, trying to work out what he felt about it. He didn't really care what others posted, he found it sweet they had their third anniversary, but he felt disheartened and annoyed that they could have anniversaries with flowers and cuddles and all this lovey dovey stuff whilst him and Valentino can't even make it three days without breaking up! Let alone making their relationship public. Only Velvette knows they're fucking, plus, Valentino is obsessed with the whore Angel Dust. Vox could never live up to that standard.

As the thought process went on, Vox was angry at the post, as he turned his phone off and stood up, using his monitor for light. He grabbed his black and blue stripped robe, wrapped it around himself, and walked into Valentino's massive bathroom. He paused for a moment, examining the mess of clothes on the floor before shrugging and closing the door behind him.

He switched the regular shower to a navy blue one, disconnected from the main water supply and connected to his personal supply of cleaning fluids. Electronics and water do not mix well, but Vox did not want to smell like fish all day.

After his shower, he dried off and stared into the mirror, putting on his best video smile.

"Hey hey hey, just another fuckin' great day with the Vees." He said to himself before opening the bathroom door to collect his suit, bowtie and hat. He saw that Valentino was still asleep, and couldnt help but stare for a bit.

Once Vox had finally gotten dressed, he had to get new clothes from the draw designated to him because Valentino was a messy fucker, he straightened his bowtie and felt arms wrap around his waist and upper chest.

"Good morning my little Voxxy~"
"You do not have to rub it in that you're taller than me."

Vox sighed, hearing Valentino's raw, deep, morning voice.

"Aww, but it's true!~"

Vox begins to get agitated but then remembers his thoughts from this morning.

"You're right. I just dislike knowing you look down upon me constantly."

Valentino seems a little shocked, usually Vox would snap at him to say 'Don't call me that' but today... he seemed different.

"Oh Voxxy, you know I would never look down upon my favourite toy!~"

Vox felt disheartened again, knowing he truly was just a toy, and object for Valentino to play with until he gets broken and Valentino runs back to good 'ol Angel Dust. Vox shrugs out of Valentino's grasp.

"I have work to do, Val. I'll see you later."

As Vox walks to the door, Valentino huffs that Vox isn't entertaining him.

"Well you could've at least said 'goodmorning' you fucking useless brat!"

Vox winces at that comment - which never happens. He's been called that a lot, so why does it hurt so bad? As Valentino realises Vox ignored his comment, which Vox actually forgot to respond to, it makes Valentino furious.


As Valentino yells various profanities, his accent getting stronger the longer he goes on, Vox simply shuts the bedroom door and listens to the silence of his own heels against the marbled floor walking to the lift. He was not ready for an argument today. He knew he should've responded, but he didn't trust himself to say anything kind to Valentino. It was just built into him because of how frequent they fought.

Vox stands in the lift, waiting for the lift to go down to his office. His phone pings. It's Val.

Val <3

Oi! Fucking prick why'd you
walk away?
Answer me!!
If you don't answer me we're OVER!!
Thats it! We're DONE!

You've been blocked by this contact.

Vox sighs. He knew it was only a matter of time. Was he being an asshole? He certainly feels like an asshole. He reaches his office and just lays his head on the desk. He doesn't feel like working today, or socialising, or doing anything.

For once in his life, he wanted to apologise to Val.

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