Comfort Food

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Damien took her to the edge of the village, to a large farmhouse and Damien knocked on the door. A young man with flaming red hair opened the door. "Hello Josiah, I would like your family to meet someone." Damien gestured to the young woman next to him. Before the boy could answer a woman's voice called from behind him, "Oh come in Damien, and bring your friend."

Once they both stepped inside. She saw the woman she'd heard earlier who turned out to be a kind woman with a sweet smile. The woman led them to the dining room table where they sat as she called in the other members of her family. In came a young girl no more than 15, she had similar flaming red hair, but hers was a little bit more coppery than her elder brothers and a man with short graying hair, he looked as if he would be stern. After the rest of them, an adorable little blonde girl only seven years old, their entire family was tall which made her feel even smaller than she was.

"It's very nice to meet you. What is your name?" the woman asked as she gestured for them to sit at the table. "May I ask your name first?" The stranger asked. "Most certainly my name is Jackie, this is my husband, Michael," she pointed to the tall man. "And these are my children." she waved a hand towards the three siblings "The boy's name is Josiah, the middle girl is Hailey and our young little surprise is Rina, I had her when I was 40, and against all odds she is blonde." "Well, it's nice to meet all of you," the young woman told her. "And what is your name," Hailey asked. "That's a bit of a problem," Damien informed her, and he explained her situation for the second time that day.

"And now she's staying" Damien finished explaining to them how he'd come across the girl "Well isn't that something, that certainly makes you something special." Michael exclaimed finally after a short pause "Oh you must be so worried, Have you eaten yet," Jackie suddenly asked, "No I've never eaten anything." The look of indignation on Jackie's face made her feel as if she'd said something she shouldn't have. "Well, that is something we certainly need to fix. You stay here dear and I'll whip something right up." "Wait what," she found herself saying. "What do you mean?" "Well you've done it now, you ain't getting away from her till you're fed." Damien teased.

Miss Jackie, sensing the Injustice of his comment turned to him with the expression that made the guard and the girl collectively sink a little further back into their chairs. "Don't you go teasing her, you never deny my cooking either, and have you eaten today." Damien went completely quiet and stared blankly at the table. This went on for a good minute before Josiah laughed. "Mom, I think you broke him." Josiah chuckled as he poked Damien in the side of the head. Damian grabbed his hand and pinned it against the table with such speed and force it made a loud crack against the wooden table "Stop, I'm not broken. I'm just mentally retracing my steps this morning since I honestly can't remember if I ate or not." "Did you have to do that so hard?" Josiah complained, pulling his hand free and rubbing his sore wrist." "Well I guess you'll be eating too," Jackie decided, folding her arms and walking to the kitchen.

The family told stories and jokes as the morning carried on and an inviting smell began to waft from the kitchen making everyone in the room hungry. The family raved about their mother's cooking and they all thought she could rival anyone in the world. Everyone was excited when around midday she brought out the food. "Well, then it's a very good thing Damian brought you here." Jackie exclaimed as she put a bowl in front of her "Second breakfast is served." The young girl looked hungry down at her bowl which contained pasta drowning in cheese and bits of bacon.

The young stranger had never tasted something so exquisite before. It was decided the world would end if Jackie's food ever went to waste so she and Damien cleaned their plates and thanked the family for their hospitality. "If you're ever hungry there's plenty of food here. If you ever go hungry in my house it's your own fault." Jackie assured them as she gathered the plates and put them in the sink.

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